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Report Card Timeline

Timeline for 2022-23 Report Cards 

  • School and district report cards for the 2022-23 school year will be released in Fall 2023 with a final public release no later than November 30, 2023.
  • All dates are tentative, subject to change, and will be updated as soon as possible.
  • Secure report cards contain potentially identifiable student information, and have not been redacted. As such, and because the report cards are preliminary and subject to change, the secure reports and information on the report cards may not be shared with local media or with parents.



September 8, 2023

ALTERNATE ACCOUNTABILITY: Schools with less than 20 FAY tested students, and those notified by OEA, complete Alternate Accountability determination forms by September 8th. Any school in the alternate process that fails to submit the form will receive a "Needs Improvement" rating on the preliminary report card (secure release).

October 3, 2023

SECURE RELEASE: Preliminary, secure report cards released via SAFE; this provides schools and districts with an opportunity to review their secure report card data, and initiate an inquiry if needed.

October 3-16, 2023

REPORT CARD INQUIRY SUBMISSION WINDOW: The secure release opens the report card inquiry period. OEA works directly with schools and districts that open inquiries by October 16th.

November 9, 2023 

FINAL REVIEW: In the weeks that follow the inquiry period, OEA will process any corrections that result from the inquiry period, and perform final QA checks on report card data. OEA works with schools and districts to prepare local communications in anticipation of the public release.

November 14, 2023 

PUBLIC RELEASE: Final report cards released; secure (unredacted) report cards in SAFE and public (redacted) report cards released online, along with the annual data download file.