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WKCE / WAA-SwD Proficiency Data

2002-03 through Present

State, district and school proficiency summary data are available for downloading from this Web page. These are the most complete versions of the WKCE proficiency data available to the public. WKCE local proficiency data file/display options provided at the DPI Website were created using the the data contained in these tab-delimited files.

The tab-delimited files are in one zipped self-extracting file for each year. Each self-extracting file is approximately 2 MB.

After downloading, double-click on the file. The zipped file will automatically unzip creating a separate file(s) for each tested grade. The grade level data files are very large because there are over 2,000 public schools and over 400 school districts in Wisconsin. Results by race/ethnicity and other student groups within each school and district are included. Unzipped file sizes range from 2 MB to 10 MB. The more recent files are larger than earlier files because they contain more fields (i.e., more data about each school/district and student group). Grade 4, 8, and 10 files tend to be the larger due to testing in 4 subject areas in addition to reading and math which are tested at grades 3-8 and 10.

Proficiency Data Downloads
*2013-14 data / See layout
*2012-13 data / See layout
*2011-12 data / See layout
*2010-11 data / See layout
*2009-10 data / See layout
*2008-09 data / See layout
*2007-08 data / See layout
*2006-07 data / See layout
*2005-06 data / See layout
*2004-05 data / See layout
*2003-04 data / See layout
*2002-03 data / See layout

Disaggregated State Proficiency Summary Reports - These reports provide percents of students enrolled statewide who scored in each of the proficiency categories. Results are provided for all students enrolled and are sorted by gender, race, and other student groups.(75K, Excel 5.0/95 format)

Grade 4
Grade 8
Grade 10

WKCE Scale Score Ranges -

WAA-SwD Score Ranges - 2007-Present

To protect student privacy, results are not reported in every row of these files.

Percentages for the nationwide sample are based on the number of students tested. Percent "Not Tested" is unavailable for this group. Beginning in 2002-03, Wisconsin has used a combination of off-the-shelf national test items and customized test items to improve alignment between the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examinations (WKCE) and Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards. This change was required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Since customized items are not nationally normed, beginning in 2002-03 national sample proficiency data are not available.

Demographic data contained in these files are the data reported by school districts and were not audited by the testing contractor or the Department of Public Instruction. In order to reduce the data collection burden, default demographic codes were used when student data were hand-gridded if the vast majority of students statewide were in a specific demographic category. For example, districts were only required to hand-grid data for "students with disabilities." All students not marked as students with disabilities were automatically coded "nondisabled." No default codes were used for race/ethnicity. Missing race/ethnicity codes were reported as "missing."

For Data prior to 2002-03 go to Historical Data.


For additional information about this information contact either Phil Cranley at or phone (608) 266-9798.