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Alignment of Early Learning Standards with Wisconsin State Standards

The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and the Wisconsin State Standards need to be aligned to assure a consistent approach for children as they transition from early childhood into the K-12 structure and between the 4K and 5K structures. A PowerPoint has been developed to help school and community teams exam learning expectations, beliefs, research, standards, and data in order to establish local learning expectations. This PowerPoint focuses on standards related to literacy and provides slides, speaker notes, links to resources, and necessary forms for the process. Watch for similar material in the area of math.

Alignment of Early Learning Standards with federal Head Start Performance Standards

The federal Head Start Performance Standards require the alignment of local Head Start standards with state early learning standards. Under the direction of the Wisconsin Head Start Collaboration Office and the Wisconsin Head Start Association, a document has been created to show this alignment.



For more information on WMELS, you can visit

For more information on Wisconsin’s standards for 5K through twelfth grade, you can visit

For more information on the Federal Head Start Performance Standards, you can visit