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Application Directions for Teachers Prepared Outside of Wisconsin

Who should complete this application?

Educators applying for either a new Wisconsin teacher license or adding on a new subject to an existing Wisconsin teacher license based on:

  • a valid teacher license from outside Wisconsin and experience


  • completion of an out-of-state educator preparation program

More details: Out-of-State Pathways

How to Apply 

5-step graphic

1. Determine if you must submit fingerprints

2. Gather Documents

*Not all tests are required. In some cases, it may be possible to obtain a Wisconsin license even if you have not completed all Wisconsin testing requirements at the time of application. If this applies to you, please upload a written statement identifying the testing requirement(s) you have not met. When we review your application, we will determine what license you are entitled to without those tests.

Important Note on Documents

  • DPI licensure decisions are based on the documentation you provide with your application. Therefore, it is best to include as many documents listed above as possible. Please scan all documentation into files (.pdf, .doc/docx, .jpg/jpeg, or .txt) that are 2MB or less in size.

3. Log in to Educator Licensing Online (ELO)

  • Within ELO, make sure you have answered the three onboarding questions.
  • Select “Out of State Program [1025]” application under “Apply for a new license” on the Quick Start Menu, and click on “Go”
  • Complete each page of the application as instructed. Review your Application Summary and edit information if necessary OR click the “SUBMIT” button to submit your application.

1025 process for licensure

4. Receive Email Confirmation


5. Complete Application on ELO

  • Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
  • Review your fees.
  • Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
  • Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card. For fee amounts and additional payment information please see License Application Fees.


Our processing times vary throughout the year. For current processing times see Check Application Status.

Submit questions and comments about this information to the Licensing Online Help desk.