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October 25, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024
EdLeaders Dispatch Logo


New Flexibility for Bilingual-Bicultural Education License

Dr. Underly used her authority to address an identified issue with the Bilingual-Bicultural License through an emergency rule which became effective October 17,2024. We hope the below described changes can help you fill critical positions to serve your language learners through highly qualified staff.

Under the emergency rule, the bilingual-bicultural education license may be acquired through the three-year license with stipulations (LWS3) pathway in addition to previously available options through an approved educator preparation program. Information on the LWS3 pathway can be found on the Department of Public Instruction’s website. Information on where to find preparation programs for the bilingual-bicultural education license can be found on the educator preparation program lookup.

The scope of the bilingual-bicultural education license is also expanded under the rule. Before the emergency rule, an individual who completed an educator preparation program leading to a bilingual-bicultural education license had their license limited to the teaching license they held at the time they acquired the bilingual-bicultural education license. The emergency rule expands the scope of the bilingual-bicultural education license to any underlying teaching license the individual holds.

The emergency rule will be in effect for 150 days with the option for the DPI to request up to two 60-day extensions. A public hearing will be scheduled regarding this rule.

2025-26 and 2027-28 Civil Rights Data Collections (CRDC)

Information Collection Request Now Available for Public Comment (Optional) 

This is your chance to influence future Civil Rights Data Collection requirements and new CRDC data elements. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is in the process of seeking approval to administer a Civil Rights Data Collection for the 2025-26 and 2027-28 school years and is seeking public comment on proposed changes to the survey. The deadline to submit comments is December 16, 2024.

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Perkins Accountability Provision

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education (CTE) for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) requires states to set state-determined performance-level targets to advance student performance in CTE. Each spring, Perkins applicants receive a Perkins Accountability Report that provides the progress of their CTE Concentrators.  

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will utilize a provision in Perkins V where Perkins applicants may negotiate local levels of performance for one or more of their Performance Indicators. By early November, the Department of Public Instruction’s CTE team will reach out to Perkins CTE Coordinators to provide more specific information about the negotiation process. Applicants will have until December 10, 2024, to submit their acceptance of the state determined performance levels or their proposal for a new negotiated rate.  

This is a new process, and we anticipate questions. The DPI will provide the following: 

  • DPI FAQ webinar on November 8, 2024, at 11 a.m.; 
  • Letter emailed to Perkins Fiscal Agent, CTE Coordinators with data rates for negotiation;  
  • Qualtrics form to record negotiated rate requests from each Perkins Fiscal Agent, CTE Coordinator; and 
  • Monthly Perkins Office hours and CTE Professional Development for data analysis

Wisconsin Civics Games Editorial Writing and Cartoon Contest

The Wisconsin Newspaper Association and the Wisconsin Civics Games are hosting the fourth annual Editorial Writing and Cartoon Contest this fall. This contest is designed to promote civic engagement and education in Wisconsin middle and high schoolers. The prompt this year is the First Amendment and the deadline is Wednesday, December 4th. First place winners will receive $500.

Visit this page for more information that you can share with a student who might be interested in entering this competition.

Requirements for Open Enrolled Students attending Virtual Charter Schools

This notification contains information for school districts planning to open a new virtual charter school in the 2025-26 school year (or planning significant changes to an existing virtual charter school) and the required steps for the new school to be listed on the 2025-26 open enrollment application.

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