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29th Annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute

Event Date

Monday, July 28, 2025 - 12:00 p.m. to Friday, August 1, 2025 - 1:00 p.m.
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Event Description

29th Annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute

Dates: Monday, July 28, 2025 - 12:00 p.m. to Friday, August 1, 2025 - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Unity School District - 1908 150th St. Balsam Lake, WI 54810

Registration: Google Form Registration - 28th Annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute
Website: CESA 11 - 29th Annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute

About the Summer Institute
The annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute is an active, highly participatory, week-long workshop designed to increase participants’ understanding of issues related to the histories, cultures, and tribal sovereignty of the American Indian nations and tribal communities in Wisconsin.

The goals of the summer institute relate to both American Indian Studies and the education of Native American students. The summer institute aims to improve teaching and learning and to enrich student services, resulting in becoming more culturally responsive. Participants will learn how to adapt or develop new techniques best suited to their unique circumstances.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone with a personal or professional interest in American Indian Studies and/or Native American education is welcome to attend. Past participants of previous summer institutes have included the following:

  • District Administrators and Principals
  • Classroom Teachers
  • Curriculum Specialists, Directors of Instruction, and Library Media Specialists
  • School Counselors, Social Workers, and Psychologists
  • Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESA) Administrators and Staff
  • Tribal, Community, and School Liaisons (Home-School/Title VI/Johnson O’Malley Coordinators and Staff)
  • Tribal Education Directors and Staff
  • Head Start and Preschool Staff
  • College and University (especially Schools of Education) Students, Faculty, and Staff

Activities and Programming

Workshop sessions use a variety of teaching methods and provide opportunities for both presenters and participants to share information, resources, best practices, and model programs. Rich discussions allow everyone to share their insights and reactions.

Perhaps most importantly, participants will have the opportunity to work in small groups to develop an action plan with access to a variety of resources to teach others what they have learned. Events will include a celebration of the relationships we have made and the things we have learned at the summer institute.

Agenda and Daily Activities (Tentative and Subject to Change)


Monday, July 28, 2025 (1:00 pm – 5:30 pm | Registration and Check-in 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
  • Welcome, Opening, and Introductions
  • American Indian Studies of Wisconsin (Wisconsin Act 31)
  • Introduction to Histories, Cultures, and Tribal Sovereignty of American Indian Nations and Tribal Communities of Wisconsin
  • Large Group Discussion
Tuesday, July 29, 2025 (9:00 am – 4:30 pm | Check-in 8:30 am - 9:00 am)
  • Understanding Tribal Sovereignty and Treaties
  • St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin History and Culture
  • Breaking Down Stereotypes, Biases and Myths
  • Film and Discussion
  • Large Group Discussion
Wednesday, July 30, 2025 (9:00 am – 4:30 pm | Check-in 8:30 am - 9:00 am)
  • Community Tour - St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
Thursday, July 31, 2025 (9:00 am – 4:30 pm | Check-in 8:30 am - 9:00 am)
  • Identifying and Evaluating Resources to Support Native Studies
  • Responsive Teaching for Self-Determination
  • Teaching About Cultures vs. Teaching Culturally
  • Building Community Partnerships and Relationships
  • Development of Action Plan Statements and/or Related Project
Friday, August 1, 2025 (9:00 am – 1:00 pm | Check-in 8:30 am - 9:00 am)
  • Finalize Action Plan Statements and/or Related Project
  • Large Group Discussion
  • Closing and Next Steps
***Each day of the summer institute, participants will be provided with lunch and an afternoon snack as part of your registration.

Staff and Presenters

Our staff and presenters come from a variety of academic and personal backgrounds. These individuals serve as resources and mentors, and they assist in facilitating daily small and large group sessions designed to help participants process what they have learned and develop an action plan that extends their learning to others.


To register for the summer institute, please go to the following link: Google Form Registration - 29th Annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute

Website: CESA 11 - 29th Annual Wisconsin American Indian Studies Summer Institute

Registration Fee

  • Early Bird: $300 per person if registered by Saturday, May 31, 2025
  • Regular: $350 per person if registered by Tuesday, July 15, 2025
  • Late Registration (or onsite): $400 per person for post-deadline registration

If you have three or more people registering from the same district or organization, a group discount will be applied at the completion of the event. Contact Kyle Polzin, or Janelle Paulson,

Due to the nature of this event, registrations for only a portion of the summer institute are not available. Daily agenda and activities will be available soon. Please continue to check the event website for updated information. Space is limited, so please register early.

Note: This institute will meet statutory license stipulations for “Wisconsin American Indian Tribes and Bands”, which is often referenced as Wisconsin Act 31. Individuals will need to attend each day during the summer institute along with completing additional instructional assignments that will discussed at the conclusion of the summer institute.


Unity School District - 1908 150th St. Balsam Lake, WI 54810


David J. O'Connor
David J. O’Connor, American Indian Studies Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; or (608) 267-2283

Eva Kubinski

Eva M. Kubinski, School Administration Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; or (608) 266-2899

Tim Peerenboom                                                                                                                                          Tim D. Peerenboom, School Psychology Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; or (608) 266-1999




Unity School District - 1908 150th St. Balsam Lake, WI 54810


Questions on Registration

Kyle Polzin
Kyle Polzin, Educational Consultant, CESA 11, or 715-986-2020 ext: 2133

Janelle Paulson                                                                                                                           Janelle Paulson, Program Assistant, CESA 11, or 715-986-2020 ext: 2204