Event Date
Event Description
Tribal, Community and School Liaison Virtual Training
About the Training
The Tribal Community and School Liaison virtual training is a forum for Tribal, Community and School Liaisons; Title VI Indian Education Directors and Staff; Johnson O'Malley Directors and Program Staff; and Tribal Education Directors and Program Staff to engage in discussion, collaborate, and develop a network of support. Participants attending the training will hear from facilitators and presenters who will share information, resources, best practices, and model programs taking place throughout the state of Wisconsin. This training is one of several that will be offered over the course of the school year, both virtually and in person.
The training will allow everyone to share insights and ideas on how to adapt or develop new techniques best suited to their unique circumstances. Participants will have an opportunity to build knowledge/skills that will assist them in implementing best practices within their respective programs in order to cultivate culturally responsive learning environments. In addition, resources and materials will be shared. Future planning and information needs will also be discussed.
By attending the training session, participants will:
- be provided with current information on data that reflects the achievement and well-being of Native American students in Wisconsin.
- gain knowledge and resources to support their work in their roles working with Native students.
- be given an opportunity to hear from various presenters on efforts to provide optimal learning environments for Native students.
- hear about opportunities and benefits of district and tribal consultation meetings.
- receive valuable skills, knowledge, and insight to support their work as coordinators and staff in American Indian education.
- hear a variety of stories and work experiences from participants in various American Indian education programs.
- collaborate with individuals in similar positions to share best practices, ideas, and research on programming.
- discover and examine ways to transform our school environments for American Indian students, families, communities, and nations.
Tribal, Community and School Liaisons (formerly known as Home School Coordinators)
Title VI Indian Education Directors and Program Staff Members
Johnson O'Malley Directors and Program Staff Members
Tribal Education Directors and Program Staff Members

The virtual training will NOT be recorded or otherwise shared after the scheduled dates. The DPI American Indian Studies Program has found that this allows for more candid conversations, richer dialogue, and increased participation.
This virtual training does NOT meet statutory license stipulations for "Wisconsin American Indian Tribes and Bands", which is often referenced as Wisconsin Act 31. For those seeking to address statuary license stipulations, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Licensing, Educator Advancement, and Development - Statutory License Stipulations webpage for a list of approved courses and workshops. You can also visit the DPI American Indian Studies Program for further information.
* The DPI American Indian Studies Program reserves the right to prioritize enrollment to LEAs with federally identified IDEA status, Wisconsin's First Nations, and districts with significant educational equity needs.
The virtual training will be 3.5 hours in length and facilitated by Bwaakoningwiid David J. O'Connor in partnership with respective presenters for the training. The training is intended to be interactive and will include discussion time.
This virtual training will be facilitated online using the Zoom cloud video conferencing platform.
Registration and Fees
There are NO registration fees to participate in this virtual training offered by the DPI American Indian Studies Program, which are funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).
Funding for this training limits individual acceptance to WISCONSIN RESIDENTS only. Registration is limited to 300 individuals per session. Pre-registration is required.
Registration: Link to Event Page | Event Registration Form

CESA #12
American Indian Studies Program, https://dpi.wi.gov/amind
400 Lake Shore Drive East, Ashland, WI 54806
Direct Line: 715-685-1837
Email: judyr@cesa12.org | Visit us on Facebook
For more great training opportunities offered by DPI American Indian Studies Program, please visit our webpage: Calendar of Events