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Pathways Wisconsin State Forum

Friday, February 9, 2018
Pathways Wisconsin is a regional approach to deliver high-quality career pathways in the state. The Regional Career Pathways Project will help students get the education and credentials they need to for life after high school. 
The purpose for the Pathways Wisconsin State Forum is to:
  • Showcase K12 education-employer partners through Inspire and the Business Friends of Education
  • Provide details on Wisconsin’s K12 Career Pathways project to attract, highlight, and enroll high school students in high demand occupational sectors
  • Collaborate to support regional talent pipeline development in partnership with business, economic development, and public agencies
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and Pathways Wisconsin Regional Career Pathways Directors will present a unique opportunity to collaborate locally, in face to face conversations, supplemented with time connecting all four regions and state team members together via technology!
Tentative Agenda:
8:00-8:30 am Arrivals
8:30-9:00 am Introductions in region location
9:00-9:10 am Forum Opening- DPI with Welcome Message by Deputy State Superintendent Mike Thompson
9:10-9:20 am Forum Opening- JP Morgan Chase
9:20-9:50 am Keynote Address- TBD
9:50-11:30 am Regional Breakouts
11:30 am-12:00 pm Report out from regions
12:00-12:45 pm Lunch
12:45-3:00 pm Local Region Work

If you would like to attend and celebrate the collaborative work that is occurring around youth talent pipeline career development and preparation through regional partnerships in Wisconsin, please RSVP HERE.


Pathways Wisconsin – Regional Locations

Indianhead- Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College- Rice Lake Campus
Conference Center
1900 College Dr, Rice Lake, WI or (715) 209-1085
Madison- Broadcast Host Site
Holiday Inn Madison at the American Center
5109 W Terrace Dr, Madison, WI or (608) 572-0104
Milwaukee- Manpower
100 Manpower Place, Milwaukee WI or (414) 456-1733
Moraine Park- Moraine Park Technical College- Fond du Lac Campus
235 N National Ave, Fond du Lac, WI or (920) 924-3391