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Technology Considerations

Students wearing masks and doing schoolwork outdoors

Access to Internet and Devices

Students and staff will need adequate and affordable access to both the internet and devices to successfully participate in virtual and hybrid summer programming. District’s will need to engage with families and staff to verify access as well as assist those who may not have the necessary equipment and provide the necessary equipment and access as needed.

Guiding Questions 

  • How will the district confirm equitable access to the necessary technology so that all students who want or need to participate are able to do so?

  • Are there technology resources that can be shared between districts?

  • What resources will be made available for students? Staff?

  • How will the district provide technical support as needed to families?



Privacy and Security

A student’s Personal Identifiable Information or PII should be protected with the same vigilance that is practiced during a traditional school year. Summer programs should meet the state standards with FERPA, COPPA, CIPA, and other relevant regulations as they would during the regular school year.

Guiding Questions

  • How will the district provide data privacy training to new or nontraditional staff?
  • Who will inventory all software and applications to ensure student data privacy?
  • How will the district review data sharing agreements with new or temporary vendors to ensure they meet the district and state data privacy requirements?
  • Who will review district directory data and public notice to ensure it is applicable to summer programs. Utilize consent forms when necessary.
  • How will the district and board policies be shared to maintain student data privacy and data security.
