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Inviting Your Voice

Thursday, September 8, 2022

At the state level, in collaboration with regional partners, we do our best to listen to coaches in the field and develop the resources and learning to support coaching endeavors. If you have a chance to read the professional learning landscape article, you will see that Wisconsin's offerings are robust and varied. We can’t help but wonder; however, if it meets everyone’s coaching needs. This is your chance to let us know. This quarter we would like to take some time to be more intentional in our collection of data to help inform the future development of coaching supports. When you step out onto the balcony and see all that is out there, is there something missing? We invite you to set aside some time (less than 10 minutes) to provide us with your input on the professional learning needed for Wisconsin coaches. The information you provide is essential in informing the continuous improvement of the professional learning landscape in Wisconsin.

Complete the Survey

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