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The Suite of Coaching Data Collection Tools

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

This past fall, at the State Superintendent's Conference on Special Education & Pupil Services Leadership, Special Education Consultant for Coaching Supports, Rachel Fregien, highlighted several valuable coaching tools. Her work at the agency focuses on creating resources and tools to support educators who are passionate about improving outcomes for the learners in Wisconsin. Rachel manages a statewide grant - the Research to Practice Inclusive Communities grant. It is known that coaching is important at all levels of the system and at all times, particularly as educators navigate new ways of delivering instruction and districts examine practices and policies to attend to the needs of learners within the changing landscape of our educational system post pandemic. This project utilizes coaching supports in a systematic and systemic way to promote and sustain changes in adult behavior to improve outcomes for all students and accelerate improved outcomes for students with IEPs and students of color.

Watch this easy-to-digest pre-recorded webinar  to learn about the most up-to-date and relevant coaching tools and resources from DPI. Hear how these tools align to assist individual coaches in their craft as well as support a robust and comprehensive coaching system. Consider how to incorporate them into your settings.

Find the link to the slide deck here.

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