Guidance Memorandums serve as the CACFP Instruction Manual in Wisconsin. Click on the tabs below to access each Guidance Memorandum, forms, and resources.
For training on specific CACFP topics go to the CACFP E-Learning Course.
Refer to the Translated Resources webpage to view some forms in Spanish and Hmong.
DPI Monitor Training Q & A's - May 15th FDCH Sponsor Forum Conference FDCH Sponsor Monitoring Staff Training (August 30, 2023) DPI-FDCH Sponsor Agreement: Meal Pattern Documentation & Monitoring Requirements Required Home visit Findings, Disallowances, and Follow-up Home Visit Review Logs Five-Day Reconciliation Procedure – Family Day Care Home Visits Determining Household Size-Income Statements and Verification: A Step-by-Step Guide (FDCH Component) Attachment 1: Provider Letter and Household Size-Income Statement for Provider’s Own/Residential Foster Children (Spanish) (Hmong) Attachment 2: Provider Letter and Household Size-Income Statement for Establishing Provider’s Tier 1 Status (Spanish) (Hmong) Attachment 3: Household Letter and Household Size-Income Statement for Tier 1 Eligible Children Enrolled in Tier 2 Homes (Spanish) (Hmong) Attachment 4: Household Size Income Scale Effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 CACFP Meal Pattern (Ages 1-18) (Spanish) (Hmong) Appendix A: Alternate Protein Products Creditable and Non-creditable Foods Guide USDA Crediting Handbook for the CACFP (Spanish)
GM D: Monitoring Requirements
GM I: Household Size-Income Statements
GM L: Meal Requirements: 1-12 Years