ECCP Statute

ECCP Administrative Rule - Administrative rules are created to implement or interpret provisions of the statutes enforced or administered by the agency or to establish agency procedures for administering programs. Administrative rules have the force and effect of law.
ECCP and SCN Timeline

The ECCP and SCN Timeline is a helpful guide for educators and school/governing boards to keep track of all the important dates related to the Early College Credit Program and the Start College Now Program. You can also share this as a resource for students and families.
ECCP Comparison Chart

The ECCP Comparison Chart is designed to help schools and districts understand the difference between the former Youth Options Program and the new Early College Credit Program. (The chart is located under the "Resources" section of the linked page.)
State Aid for ECCP

This memo shares information about the state aid that will be available to school districts and participating private schools for students participating in the ECCP. Click here to access the State Aid for School Districts under the Early College Credit Program memo.
Summary of 2017 Act 59

This document summarizes the final outcome of the 2017-19 biennial budget, enacted as 2017 Act 59. Click here to access the Summary of 2017 Act 59.