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Governor's Early Childhood Advisory Council

Early Learning Subcommittee

Event Date

Monday, September 16, 2024 -
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
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Event Description



9:00-9:20 Welcome & Introductions
The Early Learning subcommittee members will be welcomed by the co-chairs and will be asked to briefly introduce themselves.

9:20-9:35 Establish Group Norms and Agreements
The Early Learning Subcommittee will discuss and develop group norms and agreements.

9:35-10:15 Early Language and Literacy Overview and Context Building
The Early Learning Subcommittee will review the topic of early language and literacy and begin to build context around this focus area.

10:15-10:20 Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Revision Update
The co-chairs will provide an update on the status of the revisions process for WMELS.

10:20-10:25 Review Expectations and Timeframes of Subcommittee
The co-chairs will review the expectations, meeting cadence, timeframe, and scope of work of the subcommittee.

10:25-10:30 Wrap-up
The co-chairs will lead the subcommittee through a reflection on how the group norms and agreements worked, and if any changes are needed.


Zoom Link to Join the Meeting
Meeting ID: 475 756 9165
Passcode: 818073



Laura Adams
Policy Initiatives Advisor
Office of the State Superintendent
(608) 267-9268