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Wisconsin Teacher of the Year Council (WTOYC) Meeting

Event Date

Monday, February 3, 2020 -
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
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Event Description

The Wisconsin Teacher of the Year Council is comprised of approximately 25 current and former Wisconsin Teachers of the Year, who provide feedback from the field to the Department, and who also learn about different Department of Public Instruction programs and services.


8:30-9:00 Professional networking; breakfast provided by TOY Council members.

9:00-9:45 Call meeting to order.

  • Updates and information from Mark Mueller

9:45-10:15 Additional Program Updates from members of the Council

10:15 Break

10:15-10:45 Background:

  • Balancing the TOY role with the role of change agent (especially around social change)
  • The concept of driving change from within (Rock the Boat, Don’t Tip It Over) (Tempered Radicals: How People Use Difference to Inspire Change at Work, 2001, Debra Meyerson)
  • (Tentative) Zoom conversation with Kelly Holstein, 2019 MN TOY, about using her role as the TOY to drive social change on a national stage

10:45-11:30 TOY Problem of Practice Protocol

  • How do we balance the TOY role with our role of being a change agent? (Diana C)
  • Are we, as a group in WI, doing our part to stand up for what’s best for our students? (Terry K)
  • What supports should the Department or TOY program provide to TOYs that support their TOY role/professional platforms and messages? (Mark)

11:30-12:00 Wrap up Problem of Practice. Report out to group.

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Business of the Council

  • TOY Network updates (Amy Traynor, virtual)
  • Mission Statement of TOY Council (Matthew)
  • Succession planning for Council Leadership
  • Concerns and/or interests

2:30 Conversation with Carolyn Stanford Taylor, State Superintendent (30 minutes)

  • Conversation directed by State Superintendent

3:00 Business, cont.

3:30 Adjourn meeting


Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
GEF3, Room P41, 125 S. Webster St. Madison, WI 53707-7841
8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Barb VanDoorn and Diana Callope, WTOYC Co-Coordinators
Mark Mueller, WI DPI Teacher of the Year Program Coordinator

Upon arrival, please check in at the front desk in the Plaza to receive an identification badge and sign in.

DPIGuest wifi on Monday the 3rd:
Username: ee020320
Password: Et6+q63R


Mark Mueller, Educator Development & Support Team
(608) 266-3945