Quality induction programs provide critical support to beginning teachers, and teacher leadership opportunities for effective veteran teachers.
Quality induction programs provide critical support to beginning teachers, and teacher leadership opportunities for effective veteran teachers. Wis. Administrative Code sec. PI 34 outlines district induction and mentoring program requirements.
Induction programs are typically offered to new-to-the-profession teachers and include mentor support, orientation and standards-focused, ongoing professional development. New-to-district teachers benefit from mentoring and induction as they acclimate to a new district. Districts have flexibility in determining induction program design, and are encouraged to consider elements of quality induction practices to inform decisions which attract, recruit, and retain effective teachers. (See the High Quality Mentoring & Induction Practices by the New Teacher Center)

WI teacher mentors are licensed educators who are trained to provide support and assistance to beginning teachers. They have input into the confidential, formative assessment of the teacher, but are not considered a part of the formal evaluation process. Teacher Mentor training provides foundational qualifications to ensure mentors have the understanding, skills and abilities to provide support.
Wis. Administrative Code sec. PI 34 outlines district induction and mentoring program requirements.
Teacher Induction and Mentoring Guidebook

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Teacher Induction and Mentoring Guidebook provides information for district program leaders and practicing mentors to help them make informed induction and mentoring program decisions. The guide also provides an overview of requirements under WI Administrative Code PI 34 approved August, 2018. Additionally, this guide includes considerations (which go beyond minimal requirements) to assist districts in building successful programs that are informed by induction and mentoring research.
Similar guidance for other educator roles, such as school administrators, is being developed for future publication.
DPI Teacher Mentor Training
DPI, in collaboration with CESA staff and practicing teacher mentors, has created a research-based, foundational mentor training. The Mentoring Essential Training Series includes:
- Introduction to Mentoring Essentials: a one day, facilitated training curriculum that is available at your local CESA (contact your local CESA for available dates) or may be used by districts to conduct training locally.
- Professional Conversations: an online module which provides mentors with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to support beginning teacher growth through ongoing, formative, instructionally-focused feedback. It can be used as a facilitated or self-guided training for new and practicing Teacher Mentors.
Additional Resources
New Teacher Center
New Teacher Center Resources include:
Teacher Induction Program Standards
High Quality Mentoring and Induction Practices
The Coaching Competency Practice Profile (CCPP) - provides a common definition and understanding of coaching. It serves as a launching point for individuals to inform coaching practices and consider when developing a coaching system that integrates methods for selecting, training and coaching coaches.
Peer Review & Mentoring Grant - annual grant opportunity to financially support mentor and induction programs
Questions about induction and mentoring? Contact Jacob Hollnagel at jacob.hollnagel@dpi.wi.gov.