The Peer Review and Mentoring Grant (PRMG) program provides support for the development of mentoring programs and peer assistance per Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 34. As required by PI 34, Wisconsin school districts must provide mentoring and ongoing professional learning opportunities for educators during their first three years in the profession.
The PRMG provides grants to consortia of school districts, independent charter schools, and Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs) for these new teacher supports. The PRMG is a competitive grant. Consortia may apply for PRMG funding with a limit of $25,000 per award, which also requires a 20 percent local in-kind or fiscal match.

Peer Review and Mentoring Grant Evaluation Report (2023)
Peer Review and Mentoring Grant Evaluation Report (2024)
Peer Mentoring Best Practices - key themes on effective mentoring practices and related findings from Evaluation Report
Also, visit our Teacher Induction and Mentoring information.
2024-25 School Year Application and Process
Submission Guidelines
Please submit questions to
a consortium consisting of two or more school districts (or 2r/2x charter schools),
a consortium consisting of two or more CESAs, and
any combination of the above.
Financial Management
Applicants should reference DPI financial guidance for grants. The School Financial Services team at DPI provides guidance related to the administration of state and federal grants. The Wisconsin Uniform Financial Accounting Requirements guidebook (WUFAR) provides the latest accounting codes. Fiscal agents for applications should reference the fiscal agent policy and the documentation tool.
Indirect Costs
State grant dollars may not be used to cover indirect or administrative costs of the grant. Instead, awardees may apply these costs to their local match requirement. For more information on indirect costs, visit the DPI Indirect Cost webpage.
Budget Modifications
Awardees may modify their grant programs and budget provided they notify DPI at least 30 days in advance of making any changes by completing the relevant budget modification form. Awardees may make spending changes of less than 10 percent of the total award to a previously approved budget line without prior approval.
The final deadline for budget modifications is May 31, 30 days before the end of the grant period and fiscal year.
Claiming Funds
Awardees use the PI-1086 Program Fiscal Report to claim grant funds. The PI-1086 webpage has the form and instructions. Awardees may claim funds for approved grant activities after encumbering or expending the funds. Awardees may claim funds throughout the grant period, but no more than once every 30 days. The final deadline for grant claims is September 30, 90 days after the close of the grant period.
External Resources
Wisconsin Statute 115.405
Wisconsin Administrative Rule PI 38
For questions about the Peer Review and Mentoring Grant, please contact