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SREed Report Indicates Local EE Implementation & Teacher Job Satisfaction

Thursday, October 25, 2018

As part of the statewide evaluation of Educator Effectiveness (EE) conducted by the Office of Socially Responsible Evaluation in Education (SREed) at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, and the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness Research Partnership (WEERP), all classroom teachers are invited each year to participate in a survey about their experiences regarding their school's teacher evaluation process. This report summarizes the results of a statewide survey of 24,000 teachers—44% of all Wisconsin classroom teachers—about their experiences with teacher evaluations and the feedback process, perceptions of principal effectiveness, and their satisfaction with their job.

The results demonstrate a close connection between how school districts implement teacher evaluations and the perceptions of their teachers across a number of school social factors, including the usefulness of performance feedback, principal effectiveness, and job satisfaction.

The strength of the relationships between EE Implementation, principal effectiveness, and teacher job satisfaction was somewhat surprising. It is not enough to suggest that the EE process is connected to the social context of schools. It is more accurate to suggest that the EE process largely defines it.

Teachers in districts that provide adequate time and support to teachers to complete their evaluation process—as well as useful and accurate performance feedback—perceive their principals to be effective leaders and are more satisfied with their job.

The implications of these results for the implementation of teacher evaluations are discussed in detail in the report.  Read the full report: 2018 WEDSR Teacher Survey Results and District Conditions that Promote Teacher Job Satisfaction

For additional research, visit the website of Office of Socially Responsible Evaluation in Education (SREed) at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee