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Earth Day Teach-In

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary

Event Date

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.
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Event Description

Join us for an Earth Day teach-in! The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has teamed up with the Department of Natural Resources, the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education, and the Wisconsin Green Schools Network to design a series of inquiry experiences to support implementation of Wisconsin’s Standards for Environmental Literacy & Sustainability during April and May. The lessons are geared for fifth grade students to explore the interconnections between cultural systems and natural systems — specifically looking at water, land, and air. Using these lessons or a lesson of their own choosing, we encourage teachers of all grade levels and subject areas to participate! 

Sign-up to get the lessons and supporting materials.  

Educators across Wisconsin are also encouraged to share their Earth Day or Arbor Day events through our “50 Years of Earth Day, 50 Stories of Earth Day Celebrations” story map. By completing a simple form and uploading a photo, schools can be a part of this collective celebration where we help students connect, explore and engage with the natural resources in this incredible state.


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