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LEA and Private Schools Equitable Participation: Funding

Determining Available Funding

Funding IconCalculation of available funding is based on a formula and depends on several factors, such as the students’ public school attendance area, total enrollment of students in the private school, etc. The private school must provide the LEA with the essential student information to make calculations. The information exchange and estimated calculations may happen before or during the consultation. Equitable participation funds may be pooled across private schools in various ways. Guidelines must be followed and all parties must consent.

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) prohibits the private school from obligating or receiving ESEA funds. The control of funds used to provide equitable services is maintained by the LEA. Materials purchased with the funds are administered by the LEA and remain the property of the LEA. Services must be provided by an employee of the LEA or through a contract by the LEA with an individual or entity independent of the private school and any religious organization.



Workbook Calculators

Title I Proportional Share Calculator (Coming soon)

Title II Equitable Share Calculator (Coming soon)

Title IV Equitable Share Calculator (Coming soon)

LEA Responsibilities
  • Request student information from participating private schools:

    • Grade levels and addresses for each student, to determine which students live within Title I attendance areas.

    • Student poverty data, to determine the school(s) poverty count.

    • Total enrollment counts by grade, to determine the proportionate share under eligible Title programs.

  • Determine and communicate the poverty measure to be used, and provide any other information the school needs to gather the requested information.

  • Inform private school officials of the estimated amount of available funding under each applicable Title within ESEA. Include any family engagement funds. Explain how the amount is determined and any factors that may affect the final amount. Calculators are available on DPI’s website to estimate amounts.\

  • Enter private school data into DPI’s WISEgrants system to calculate available funding. Data may not be entered until the initial consultation has taken place and the fully signed Affirmation of Consultation with Private School Officials form has been submitted and accepted.

  • When actual amounts are available, share them with private school officials.

Private School Responsibilities
  • Provide the requested student information to the LEA in which your school is located.
  • Make note of the students living in neighboring LEAs, so your resident LEA can work with these LEAs to determine student eligibility.
  • Respond to requests for information from any LEA in which your students reside.


Private School Equitable Share Report

This is report provides each private school’s proportional share for equitable services and participation in each Title grant under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

2023-24 Private School Equitable Share Report

2022-23 Private School Equitable Share Report

2021-22 Private School Equitable Share Report

2020-21 Private School Equitable Share Report

2019-20 Private School Equitable Share Report

2018-19 Private School Equitable Share Report

2017-18 Private School Equitable Share Report

For questions about this information, contact the Wisconsin’s Private School Ombudsman or Title I and School Support Team