DPI Support and Monitoring
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires each state to identify an Ombudsman to work with private schools and public school districts to ensure equitable services are appropriately provided. DPI has contracted with the Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (WCRIS) to be Wisconsin’s Ombudsman. All equitable service inquiries should be directed to essaombudsman@dpi.wi.gov.
DPI conducts general monitoring to confirm the level to which an LEA implements equitable services. This includes identifying and ensuring:
- LEAs provide timely and meaningful consultation with each private school located within their district’s boundaries, by requiring LEAs to upload an affirmation of consultation to their WISEgrants application. WISEgrants will not let LEAs complete their application without acceptable documentation.
- The proportional share is calculated in WISEgrants based on enrollment data certified by the LEA in WISEgrants.
- Budget items for services are reasonable and necessary, and align with the intent and purpose of the specific grant.
- LEAs provide services. DPI requires all LEAs that did not claim more than 10% of the funds set aside for equitable services for each Title in the previous year. DPI will require the LEA to attend a webinar in the fall where they will discuss options and provide support if there are challenges to providing services. DPI sends LEAs required to attend the webinar notifications about the webinar through WISEgrants. If the LEA fails to attend the webinar, DPI may select LEA for Targeted Monitoring for Private School Equitable Participation in the following year.
In addition to the universal support provided to and general monitoring of all LEAs, DPI staff conduct a desk review and virtual visit with a small group of selected LEAs to provide more intensive guidance and support. The process is further defined in the 2024-25 ESEA Monitoring Guidance Document.
- Equitable Participation Universal Monitoring Webinar (33:29)
- Equitable Participation Universal Monitoring Slide Deck
Complaint Procedures
A private school has the right to file a complaint with the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) if the local educational agency (LEA) did not:
- Engage in timely and meaningful consultation with the private school;
- Give due consideration to the views of private school officials; or
- Make a decision that treats the private school or its students equitably.
(20 USC 6320 and 7881)
To file a complaint, the private school must complete form PI-9580-PSC; provide supporting documentation of the alleged violation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (20 USC 6320(b)(6)(A) or 20 USC 7881(c)(6)(A)); and submit the form along with supporting documentation to:
DPI.Title1@dpi.wi.gov. Note: The purpose of this complaint form is to address complaints private schools have regarding ESEA services provided by public school districts.
Withdrawal of a Complaint
A complainant may withdraw the complaint prior to the issuance of a decision by the DPI. The withdrawal must be in writing, addressed to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and signed.
Procedures for the DPI
The DPI is responsible for investigating complaints and issuing a written decision within 45 days of receipt of the complaint. When a complaint is received, the DPI will send an acknowledgment letter to the complainant and the LEA administrator. The letter will state the date the DPI received the complaint, who filed the complaint, and the issues to be decided. The complainant and the LEA will have an opportunity to submit additional written documentation for the DPI to consider. Following receipt of the written documentation, the DPI will review the records and issue a final decision and order. DPI will send the written decision to the complainant and the LEA administrator within 45 days of the receipt of the complaint.
The DPI will dismiss the complaint for any reasons described in PI 1.03(3).
For questions about this information, contact the Wisconsin’s Private School Ombudsman or Title I and School Support Team.