For a second year we have commissioned artist Matthew Wigdahl to create a motion graphic for this project. This year Matt collaborated with composer Andrew Boysen Jr. to create a video that can be played during the performance of the music. Additionally, this video has been created so that it can be played using just the "Center" video below or a combination of all three in order to get a more expansive effect. The concept, as Matt explains in the video interview, was to potentially project these videos onto the concert shells behind the ensemble. Enjoy the videos and explore your own way of incorporating them into your work with this project.
Video: Motion Graphic Center
Video: Motion Graphic Left
Video: Motion Graphic Right
Interview with Matthew Wigdahl
Matt Wigdahl - Media Artist
Matt is an educator with a passion for animation, motion graphics & interdisciplinary design. He lives, teaches, and makes things in Menomonie.
He graduated as a Fine Arts major from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, where his first loves were watercolor and drawing. He recently earned a Master of Fine Arts in Design at U.W. Stout, researching motion design and tangible user interface—while also leveling up in glass design, 3D printing, instructional installation design, and cinematography.
He is National Board certified as an elementary educator and has taught in Minnesota, Alaska, and Wisconsin. His goal is to design inspiring, surprising, and authentic instructional experiences for students. To this end, he draws upon—and continually seeks better insight into—good design and human motivation.