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Guidance in the Digital Learning Components of the Local ESSA Plan


planGuidance in Complete the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Integrated Digital Learning Plan and Title IVA-- Primary Contact: Janice Mertes

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law which replaces No Child Left Behind. It will be implemented beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.  Digital learning instructional topics are scattered throughout the individual Title programs to help support student achievement.

The DPI Title IVA website has district information about WISEGrants, district allocations, regulatory guidance, equitable participation, and the needs assessment. Title IVA, as well as all other title programs, allows for districts to allocate funds for digital learning, data, data privacy, and digital literacy. If a district or consortium receives more than $30,000 in Title IVA Funds, the readiness assessment designated by the US Department of Ed is the Future Ready Dashboard district tool from the Alliance for Excellent Education. The Alliance has created a specific guide for districts around ESSA.

plan FRS Planning Meets Turbo Tax: An Updated Action Planning Tool

Steps 3 and 4 of the five-step planning process have been redesigned to help district leaders quickly and efficiently gather stakeholder input and develop customized action plans to implement personalized learning strategies through effective digital transitions. With a new simple, flexible, and intuitive interface, district teams can now develop well-written, research-based plans that are full of practitioner-suggested strategies. Based on local needs, the frame and scope of each plan will vary; sometimes it will be very narrow to pilot a laptop program in one grade level or curricular area, while other plans may broadly address all gears and focus on professional development policies, procurement practices, or budgeting. Each plan should include a vision for student learning, specific supports for teachers, as well as a plan for evaluation and external communications—all prompted with sample language that is included in the new planning section!

The FRS action planning tool (Step 4 of the FRS planning process) provides districts with a "sandbox" to collaborate as a team, set goals, and select from hundreds of practitioner-created strategies used in successful digital transitions. District leaders can leverage strengths by assigning responsibilities; gathering and analyzing stakeholder perception data; tracking team progress toward established timelines, and exporting their plan at any time.

And as a bonus, the action planning tool is aligned with the Every Student Succeeds Act’s (ESSA’s) Title IV planning requirements so there is no need to double up efforts. Check out the ESSA alignment ESSA’s) Title IV planning requirements so there is no need to double up efforts. Check out the ESSA alignment webpage with resources such as the new ESSA planning guide to learn more about the direct relationship between the FRS planning process and the funding application.ESSA planning guide to learn more about the direct relationship between the FRS planning process and the funding application.