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Life/Lifetime Background Check Application Deadline 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Who - For educators who need to complete a background check with DPI during the 2022 year, you must have an application completed by 11:59 PM on June 30th, 2022 or your valid Life or Lifetime license will become invalidated. Be aware that a complete application includes payment. Licenses will be invalidated on the evening of July 6th. Educators who have not completed the required application by 11:59 PM on June 30th, 2022 must wait until July 7th when the $45 Request Background Check - Lifetime Licensee [5900] application is opened again. Once an educator submits the $45 Request Background Check - Lifetime Licensee [5900] application, this will revalidate their Lifetime license as if they completed the application before June 30th. Educators will have until December 31st if they miss the initial deadline to complete this application for their license to be revalidated.

What - Educator Licensing Online (ELO) will be shut down from June 30th at 11:59 PM to July 1st at 12:00 PM. The $45 Request Background Check - Lifetime Licensee [5900] application will be shut down from June 30th at 11:59 PM to July 9, 2022.

When - The background check to maintain Lifetime license application will be closed from June 30th at 11:59 PM to July 7, 2022.


Submit questions and comments about this information to the Licensing Online Help desk.