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Archived Academic Standards

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has a transparent and comprehensive process for reviewing and revising academic standards. This process supports a seven year cycle for standards review and revision. All academic standards adopted by the state of Wisconsin are reviewed and/or revised at least once every seven years. For more information on the review and revision process as well as a timeline for the seven year cycle, please visit

Archived review revision timelines are linked below. For the current academic standards review revision timeline, please visit,

When standards are revised and the new standards adopted by our State Superintendent, previous versions of the standards are removed from the Academic Standards webpage and housed here, on our Archived Academic Standards webpage. For any additional information and/or questions, please contact DPI at

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Art & Design Education

  • no archived standards at this time

Business and Information Technology

Computer Science

  • no archived standards at this time


  • no archived standards at this time

Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) 

  • no archived standards at this time

English Language Arts

Essential Elements: English Language Arts

English Language Development

  • no archived standards at this time

Environmental Literacy & Sustainability

  • no archived standards at this time

Family and Consumer Sciences

Health Education

  • no archived standards at this time

Health Science

Information and Technology Literacy

  • no archived standards at this time

Literacy in All Subjects

  • no archived standards at this time

Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship


Essential Elements: Mathematics

Music Education

  • no archived standards at this time

Nutrition Education

Personal Financial Literacy

Physical Education



  • no archived standards at this time

Essential Elements: Science

  • no archived standards at this time

Social Studies

  • no archived standards at this time

Essential Elements: Social Studies

  • no archived standards at this time

Technology and Engineering

Theatre Education

  • no archived standards at this time

Wisconsin Career Readiness Standards

World Languages

  • no archived standards at this time