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DPI-ConnectEd Stories

Education news: success stories from Wisconsin schools, DPI updates, student opportunities, and more.
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Bulletin Board 11/26/2024

Welcome to the ConnectEd Bulletin Board! This is the place to find opportunities for further professional development, grant and awards opportuniti...
School building with dollar sign

State Superintendent Proposes an Additional $3 Billion in New Investments To Support Wisconsin Public Schools

Dr. Jill Underly’s budget proposal increases special education reimbursement to 90%; total of new proposed spending on K-12 schools more than $4 bill...
Blue ribbon with a drop of blood

What You Do and Don’t Know About Diabetes

How understanding the condition can improve life for our students Since you were in school, and maybe even since you started working in schools, the...
Blue hummingbird which is a symbol representing healing from the trauma of Indian boarding schools

Reckoning with Wisconsin’s Indian Boarding School History

In the United States from 1819-1969, the federal government ran Indian Boarding Schools. These schools separated children from their parents, their n...
globe with Wisconsin and graduation cap

Fostering Multilingual Excellence With the Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy

Since its inception in 2015, the Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy has paved the way for recognizing students who demonstrate proficiency in reading, writ...
Family with heart in the center

Wisconsin Student Receives Scholarship for Homeless Students

In Wisconsin Public schools, we are committed to making sure every child in Wisconsin has the supports, opportunities, and skills they need to thrive...

Saluting Military Families

Every November we recognize the contributions of military families. Most folks are aware of and celebrate Veterans Day which is held on November 11,...
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Bulletin Board 11/7/2024

Welcome to the ConnectEd Bulletin Board! This is the place to find opportunities for further professional development, grant and awards opportuniti...
School building with dollar sign

Dr. Jill Underly’s Upcoming Biennial Budget Request Meets Growing Needs of Wisconsin Students, Educators, Schools

Dr. Jill Underly (Center) State Superintendent of Public Instruction, speaks to media at a press conference in Appleton. To her left is Dr. Barb Nov...
PBS Wisconsin Education Logo which is an outline of the state of Wisconsin with the words "Learning Powered by Curiosity"

New History Resources From PBS Wisconsin Education

PBS Wisconsin Education creates and curates classroom-ready, free-to-use media and resources for Wisconsin educators. Check out the latest content f...