With the wider variability of students’ experiences during the pandemic, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction aims to help school districts focus on student learning, amplifying what matters most while fostering students’ social and emotional well-being.
The Wisconsin Priority Instructional Content in English Language Arts and Mathematics 2020-2021 document was created to support schools for the 2020-21 school year in their efforts to teach grade-level content and taking into consideration unfinished learning from prior grades.
Priority content concentrates on the major work of the English language arts and mathematics disciplines while addressing inequities caused by the pandemic. Priority content can be a way to provide meaningful instruction for all learners. It does not replace districts’ English language arts or mathematics academic standards; rather, it is a way for all learners to access grade-level content while completing unfinished learning from previous years while focusing on social-emotional learning needs.
The Wisconsin Priority Instructional Content in English Language Arts and Mathematics 2020-2021 document identifies priority content and supporting research in grades K-8 and high school for mathematics, and K-12 grade bands in English language arts.
English Language Arts and Literacy Priority Content
English language arts and literacy priority content is organized by identification of priority standards, recommendations for adapting curriculum materials, adapting assessments, considerations for instructional content and practices with corresponding standards, and facilitating social and emotional development by grade band.
Mathematics Priority Content
Mathematics priority content is organized by considerations for grade-level priority content, addressing remaining grade-level content, facilitating social and emotional development, and then prioritization tables by individual grade level Kindergarten through grade 8 and high school. The tables are organized by conceptual categories and clusters and standards with recommended levels of emphasis.
For more information on teaching and learning in English language arts and mathematics during the pandemic, visit the DPI Learning in the Context of COVID-19: ELA, Literacy and Mathematics web page.