The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction submitted the 2021-23 Biennial Budget Request K-12 School Aids, Public Libraries, and Agency Operations on November 9. The budget request is grounded in equity and is designed to meet the unique funding needs of schools, including response to needs during the public health crisis, while focusing on supporting the whole child.
Major topics in the budget include:
Increase in special education categorical aid and High Cost Special Education, while increasing the state reimbursement rate from 28% to 40% of costs by the end of the biennium
Mental Health and Student Wellness
Request funding for more pupil services professionals, for mental health training, and to fund for collaborative grants to connect students to community mental health services as mental health needs grow
Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs
Provide $20 million in grant funding beginning in FY23 focused on middle and high school settings, while furthering the reach of OST elementary programming
Public Libraries and Lifelong Learning
Increase funding to support the operations and maintenance of public library services in response to the rising needs of our communities
Subsidize GED testing fees and support drivers education programs
Access the full 2021-23 Biennial Budget request and follow new information on the budget as it becomes available on the DPI 2021-23 Biennial Budget web page.