More services are becoming available for districts, schools, and educators (both private and public) to use to address the impacts of COVID-19. The DPI’s allocation of education stabilization funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) is part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund and is being used to:
Build capacity for and expand access to high-quality online instructional resources.
Provide training for educators in the provision of online and remote instruction.
Expand and build capacity of school staff to provide mental health services to better support students.
Building Capacity for and Expanding Access to High-Quality Online Instructional Resources
The Hardware and Software Discount Program allows local education agencies to access funds for hardware and software purchases to support learning during the pandemic.
Providing Training for Educators in the Provision of Online and Remote Instruction
There are two more services available now. The Reading Foundational Skills Webinar Series is a series of connected webinars for K-2 literacy leaders to deepen knowledge of Wisconsin’s standards for reading foundational skills, including understanding and application of explicit systematic phonics instruction in out-of-school environments.
Assistive Technology Forward! is also available, in an effort to help Wisconsin educators increase student and family autonomy in selecting and utilizing assistive technology (AT) tools to support access, engagement, and progress in virtual and distance learning.
Expanding and Building Capacity for Staff to Provide Mental Health Services
Two more services have become available under this broad topic, including Restorative Practices Connections and Coaching and Correct Use of Personal Protective Equipment.
The Restorative Practices services provide a support system for educators to help keep Restorative Practices growing in their educational practice. Restorative Practices and coaching focuses on a Positive School Climate and strengthening school community.
Finally, the first of two modules is ready under the Correct Use of Personal Protective Equipment. The brief module covers how COVID-19 is transmitted, steps staff can take to protect themselves, what to do if staff have symptoms, and how to work with special student situations including when students are unable to wear face coverings and special communication situations.