The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction was recently allocated a portion of new education stabilization funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES). The nearly $16 million allotment is part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund and will be used to:
Build capacity for and expand access to high-quality online instructional resources.
Provide training for educators in the provision of online and remote instruction.
Expand and build capacity of school staff to provide mental health services to better support students.
Each focus area includes a number of specific services for districts, schools, and educators (both private and public) to use to address impacts of COVID-19. Representatives from the Department of Public Instruction, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies, and other organizations have completed and or are in the process of completing projects in each focus area.
Funds for expanding access to high-quality instructional resources will be used to provide digital learning courses and content options, along with hardware, software, and broadband discounts.
Educator training for remote instruction encompasses professional development for digital learning, Universal Design for Learning, reading foundational skills, and remote and hybrid learning environments for English language arts and mathematics. It also provides resources for teleservice training and assistive technology.
Finally, there is a wide range of training and programming that will become available over the next several months to expand and build the capacity of staff to provide mental health services, including:
correct use of personal protective equipment
adult mental health literacy
peer-to-peer suicide prevention
regional technical assistance and coaching centers for school-based mental health systems, including trauma sensitive social and emotional learning
student mental health literacy curriculum
reducing mental health stigma in school communities
mental health referral pathways training
Restorative Practices training
For more information on how to access these resources as they become available, visit the DPI Education Stabilization Funds web page.