Welcome to Extra Credit, our newest ConnectEd recurring feature! In each issue, we’ll spotlight training resources to help you stay centered in your practice and help you dream big and develop new skills.
K-5 Civics & Social Studies Modules
These modules were made possible with a grant to CESA #1 from the federal Department of Education, in partnership with all CESAs, DPI, and the Region #10 Comprehensive Center.
Module 1
This module is broken down into three distinct sections. Section A is an overview of the 2018 Social Studies Standards. Section B is an overview of the K-5 Social Studies Scope and Sequence. Section C discusses best practices in Civics education.
What to Expect
Learning Targets for Module 1 include: Connecting classroom lessons to the Wisconsin Social Studies k-12 Standards, reading the new civics scope and sequence documents, understanding the importance and application of the six proven practice of civics education practices, and making connections between these frameworks and current social studies curriculum. This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Module Contents:
- Overview of the 2018 Social Studies Standards
- Overview of the K-5 Social Studies Scope and Sequence
- Best practices in Civics education
Module 2
This module will focus on three distinct sections. Section A is an overview of Civics and Inquiry at the elementary level. Section B is an exploration of high-quality Civics resources from trusted partners and Section C provides workspace to explore resources to embed Civics in your classroom.
What to Expect
Learning Targets for Module 2 include: Describe the inquiry process for teaching (and learning) social studies and identify how it applies to the Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies, identify at least three things to do in the classroom to support students in practicing civil discourse, and locate trusted resources for teaching civics and social studies. This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Module Contents:
- Overview of Civics and Inquiry at the elementary level
- Exploration of high-quality Civics resources from trusted partners
- Provides workspace to explore resources to embed Civics within the classroom
Module 3
This module will focus on three distinct sections. The main components of this learning module include: Examining the why behind dedicated civics education in grades K-5, ways to promote thinking like a historian, and strategies to support classroom implementation of effective social studies lessons supported by various high-leverage teaching practices.
What to Expect
Learning Targets for Module 3 include: articulate the why behind social studies instruction in K-5, reflect on practices that align with social studies instruction, and identify strategies, resources, and tools to facilitate historical thinking. This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Module Contents:
- Articulate the why behind social studies instruction in K-5
- Reflect on practices that align with social studies instruction
- Identify strategies, resources, and tools to facilitate historical thinking
About the Authors
Kris McDaniel is Social Studies Education/Civics Education Consultant at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Lisa Arneson is the Director of School Improvement at CESA 3.
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