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The Milwaukee Board of School Directors Passes Resolution to Work Toward Ending Structural Inequities

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

In June, The Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) Board unanimously passed a resolution calling on community activists, elected officials, and other stakeholders to “develop a regional plan to reduce school inequities and promote school desegregation throughout Metropolitan Milwaukee” with coordinated efforts and planning beginning now.

The chair and co-chair of the MPS Strategic Planning and Budget Committee will work with the Office of Board Governance and the Office of Accountability and Efficiency for initial planning on equitable, pro-desegregation and pro-reparation policies and report next steps to the board in September.

As a district, Milwaukee serves more than 80% of students of color, with more than 80% of students coming from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, a stark contrast to surrounding area school districts.

The board is adamant about establishing a public push for actionable ideas by various public organizations and decision-making bodies to address inequities based on consistent challenges with systemic racism within schools, housing, and more.

Relatedly, The Century Foundation, a public policy research institute, is sponsoring the Bridges Collaborative cohort application, which seeks 50 school districts, charter schools, or fair housing organizations to become part of a two-year program. The program aims to increase access to diverse, integrated, and inclusive schools and neighborhoods while improving their quality through collaboration and research.

Optional informational webinars on the Bridges Collaborative will be held on July 15 and July 29.

Applications for the Bridges Collaborative are due Friday, August 7.