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RtI Center Highlights CESA 12 Work from 2019-20 Annual Report

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Collaboration is crucial for continuous improvement. CESA 12 has worked alongside northern Wisconsin school districts to impact student outcomes by focusing on the implementation of an equitable, multi-level system of support. This year, their efforts were highlighted in the Wisconsin RtI Center’s Annual Report.

Ken Kasinski, the Agency Administrator of CESA 12, describes their philosophy about being a CESA saying, “It’s to work cooperatively to improve instruction for all students. Your data is our data,” he says.

Embracing the key system features of an equitable, multi-level system of support, CESA 12 staff reflected and planned how they could meet district needs around each feature. Key features include:

  • Equity
  • High quality instruction
  • Strategic use of data
  • Collaboration
  • Family and community engagement
  • Strong universal level of support
  • Systematic implementation
  • Strong shared leadership
  • Positive culture
  • Evidence-based practices

Using the framework as the foundation, they aligned their service delivery catalog to the key system features.

At the same time, they “were very intentional about making sure that our board of control and school boards understood the key system features,” said Kasinski. He believes that if a board values key features, they will make them a district priority. “And then, you’re ensuring that your superintendent, your principal, your curriculum director, and accordingly, your teachers know that this is an effort that is being supported at all levels.”

Emphasizing their commitment to improved outcomes

CESA 12 has, for several years in a row, set an organizational goal to increase the number of system assessments taken. Schools assess their system to:

  • gauge the extent to which practices and key system features are in place and used as intended

  • examine the connections between adult behavior and student outcomes

  • create or update action plans

CESA 12 believes its continuous improvement efforts will keep showing progress. “Adult behaviors improve student outcomes,” Jen Ledin, director of the Center for Special Education and Pupil Services, said. “We need to lean into that.”

Read | watch the full CESA 12 story.

Subscriber Submission: Wisconsin RtI Center