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The Youth Risk Behavior Survey is Open

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

It’s once again time for the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has a new system for the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, including new software and standardized survey dates and versions. The improvements should streamline the YRBS process, improve the usefulness of local data, and reduce survey burden on schools.

Register Now

The survey is open from Jan 7, 2019-March 29, 2019. It will not be open next year. After the current survey window, the next time the YRBS will be offered is Spring 2021. Registration will remain open until March 15, 2019.

Registration materials are available through the Conducting A YRBS website. Schools are encouraged to collaborate with local health departments, CESAs, and other local stakeholders who can help coordinate local data collection efforts.

Sample School Participation Needed

If your high school is one of the 49 needed to produce state-level statistics, please make sure that you are participating so that our state gets its 2019 results. One or two non-participating schools can make the difference between getting our data versus having to wait two more years to get Wisconsin data. Thank you to all of the sample schools who have already participated!

Remember to Save Old Reports

The old OYRBS system will be shut down in June 2019. Schools who wish to retrieve their old YRBS data (anything prior to the 2018-19 school year) from the outgoing system can find a link to the old OYRBS system under “Reports and Results” on the Conducting A YRBS website. Schools wishing to retrieve old reports are encouraged to do so during the 2018-19 school year. After that point, the old system will be archived and more difficult to access.

For more information, visit the DPI Wisconsin Conducting A YRBS website.

Subscriber Submission: Kate McCoy, Student Services, Prevention and wellness Wisconsin, Department of Public Instruction