Carl Bryan, administrative rules coordinator, (608) 267-9127, adminrules@dpi.wi.govMADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will conduct a hearing to accept public testimony on proposed permanent rules related to clarifying high-cost special education aid. The proposed rule seeks to provide clarity in determining costs for providing special education-related services to a child for the purpose of receiving high-cost special education aid. The areas clarified by these proposed rules are:
- Determining non-administrative costs for providing special education and related services to a child, distinct from such costs for other children.
- Determining how equipment and other capital costs are considered in the context of “the previous school year,” as given in s. 115.881 (1), Stats.
- Clarifying what is meant by “federal Medicaid,” as given in s. 115.881 (1), Stats.
- Determining how the $30,000 threshold for special education costs is evaluated against the other funding sources listed in statute.
Those intending to testify will be required to present photo identification at the security desk near the Webster Street public entrance. Those using the building’s Butler Street handicapped accessible entrance should press a doorbell for admittance and check in with security. Written comments received no later than Jan. 3, 2020 will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing.
WHAT: Public hearing on proposed permanent rules related to high-cost special education aid
WHEN: Friday, December 20, 2019, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (GEF3)
125 S. Webster Street, Room P41
Madison, WI 53703