Monday, June 1, 2020
A congratulatory message from State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor to the class of 2020
DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559As state superintendent, I congratulate Wisconsin’s class of 2020. I am so incredibly proud of Wisconsin’s students and educators for their compassion and resilience, which they have demonstrated through the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year.
Wisconsin’s class of 2020 will always have a special place in our state’s history. Students ushered in a new decade and were almost immediately confronted with a new reality. No one would have predicted when seniors left school in mid-March, it would be the final time they would be surrounded by their peers and teachers in a classroom setting.
The class of 2020 has had to forego many longstanding traditions and rites of passage because of the ongoing public health emergency. Formal graduation ceremonies - where friends, families, and teachers come together to celebrate the accomplishments of the senior class – have had to be held in many unconventional ways.
To Wisconsin’s graduates: You have risen to the challenge, proving just how truly amazing you are, and how amazing you will continue to be. You have showed your humanity through acts of goodness. From sewing masks and donating them to healthcare workers, to delivering meals to those in need, you have found creative ways to lift the spirits of others in your community. Your determination with which you have responded to overcome these difficult times will continue to empower you long after high school.
As you graduate, you not only leave with the knowledge, skills, and abilities laying the foundation for success in life, you also exit with lived experiences impacting who you are, and who you will become.
I see our future scientists, educators, medical professionals, frontline workers, and so many more professions in the class of 2020. I see our future.
Class of 2020, I salute you for achieving this wonderful milestone in your life. I applaud you for your perseverance, your strength, and your empathy. Please join me in congratulating Wisconsin’s class of 2020 and recognizing their many achievements and contributions to our communities.