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Text Complexity


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The purpose for this professional learning is to provide an examination of text complexity in order to match students to texts and  build meaningful text sets. Using the literary and informational text complexity rubrics, educators will be able to evaluate quantitative and qualitative aspects of texts in diverse media, formats, and length.  

The rubrics include considerations for reader and task, representation and diversity, and components of critical literacy.  Educators will contemplate student engagement and abilities with an understanding of different methods to evaluate text complexity for instructional and independent uses of texts.


This professional learning challenges students and educators to go beyond comfortable borders with a broad definition of text and what it means to be a literate person in our society.

How to use this professional learning module:

  • Click here to "make a copy" of the presentation. If you are interested in using another format (Google Slides, PowerPoint, or PDF) to facilitate and familiarize yourself with the content, please use the "download as" feature (located in the "file" menu).
  • Access the facilitator’s guide of the presentation and handouts below.


Facilitator's Guide and Handouts

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