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Statutory Requirements

This webpage provides information and resources for State of Wisconsin and Federal statutory requirements related to reading instruction in Wisconsin schools.

For recorded professional learning about reading-specific statutory requirements, please visit Reading Requirements


School District Standards

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This section provides information on Wisconsin’s administrative rules related to the requirements for school districts can be found in the Wisconsin School District Standards (PI 8) document.

Act 20

Paper Image2023 Wisconsin Act 20 relates to 4K-3rd grade reading. For more information, please visit Wisconsin Reads. This page includes resources related to Act 20, an FAQ and contact information dedicated to Act 20 related inquiries.


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This section includes information about reading licensure and guidance on providing reading interventions.  General information about teacher licensing in Wisconsin is located on the DPI Teacher Education, Professional Development, and Licensing website.

Additional information is located on DPI's Reading Assignments and Licensure page, in the document Guidance for Providing Interventions , and in Wisconsin’s State Statute 118.015 District Reading Specialist Requirement.

Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Eligibility 

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For information about Wisconsin's SLD eligibility criteria, including FAQs and the technical guide, please visit the DPI webpage on Programs for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities


For questions about this information, contact Robyn Bindrich (608) 266-9401