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Office Hours: Virtual School Nutrition Skills Development Courses

Monday, July 13, 2020

Announcement from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction School Nutrition Team


Virtual, live office hours start this week! Find the links to join the live office hours next to each course on the SNSDC webpage. Depending on the course, these office hours may be optional or mandatory. If mandatory, only one session must be attended. The live office hours are a time for you to get your questions answered directly from SNT staff or simply listen in on the conversation. As a reminder, video recordings and resource folders will be available until September 4th. Please plan accordingly.
WI Department of Public Instruction - School Nutrition Team
125 South Webster St, P.O. Box 7841, Madison WI 53707-7841
Email: I Website: I Phone: (608) 267-9228 I Fax: (608) 267-0363
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
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