Workshop Details
The first workshop in the Lifecycle of Farm to School training series, Seed Starting was held on Thursday, January 27, 2022. The workshop provided information about how to start seeds indoors in the winter to plant in the school garden in the spring. The workshop included instruction for starting seeds indoors with video demonstration, a self-guided exploration of different fruits and vegetables to grow in the school garden, and networking time to make connections to individuals and resources.
- Seed Starting Presentation: The full PowerPoint presentation from the live workshop.
- Seed Starting Video: A brief overview of planting seeds indoors before eventually transferring them to an outdoor garden.
- Resource to Find Materials for Seed Starting: Ideas for where to purchase seeds, seed starting mix, heat mats, lights, and more!
- Resource to Find Assistance with Seed Starting: Ideas for who you can partner with to help with your seed starting venture.
- Seed Starting e-Learning: Determine your Frost-Free Date and browse for plants you want to start from seed.
- Time Lapse of Seed Sprouting: A two-minute video of time lapse photography.
- Seed Starting 2nd Graders Video: Shell Lake School District discuss steps to start seeds indoors with the help of AmeriCorps F2S member Emily High.
- Students Plant Cucumbers Video: Howard-Suamico School District students plant cucumber seeds outdoors with the help of AmeriCorps member David Lee Schneider.