A Statewide Inquiry Experience - Wisconsin Water
Water can be an integral aspect of many scientific phenomena for student investigation as part of this Statewide Inquiry Experience. Projects can be conducted and shared anytime during the school year, though we particularly hope to share and build connections during Wisconsin Water Week, the Wisconsin Science Festival , the conference of the Wisconsin Association of Environmental Education, and the conference of the Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers. Below are ideas for a core shared lesson across the state and resources for sharing that lesson, as well as further resources, such as other water lessons linked to standards and grants for water projects.
A Core Lesson Idea and Sharing Work across the State with Siftr
While teachers are encouraged to use and share any science lessons related to water, we also encourage using a core data-collection lesson that can be visually shared throughout the year. The core lesson asks students to mark off a paved over area where water runs (like a parking lot) and sweep up what's in that area at multiple times through the year. They look for patterns in what water carries from these areas into their waterways and watershed, with some possible extension investigations of ecosystem impacts, chemical run-off impacts, and impacts on earth systems. Link to core lesson.
As students conduct the core investigation or other classroom investigations, we encourage educators to share their data, lessons, student work, images, etc. through Siftr. At this link, you will first be asked to create a quick account, then you will: 1) upload an image of the work done (could be a screen shot of a lesson or image of students doing field work); 2) zoom in and pan to move a black dot onto the specific location on a map where the work was done; 3) select the type of item you're uploading - a water activity for others to access, a STEAM/STEM activity and related information, student generated data, existing professional water-related information (such as data); volunteering to support this work, or social studies related water projects; 4) add a description, ideally with a link, and note the related grade level as applicable. Done! Your project will then show up on the Wisconsin map (like that on the right). For more information on how to use Sifter, here is a basic Sifter guide.
You can also email Kevin to share your story in a format besides Sifter, such as an article or blog post. Here's one story from educator, Dennis Rohr, in Seymour, WI:
- Newspaper article on Dennis Rohr's class' work to test private wells in the Seymour area.
Further Resources
Related Wisconsin organizations and resources
- Wisconsin Science Festival - this statewide event encourages learning about and doing science across the state. They created a series of quick water lesson ideas, "snacks," that can be used across a range of grade levels (pdf file version).
- Wisconsin Water Week - The Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Partnership supports an annual "Wisconsin Water Week." The goal is of Wisconsin Water is to bring together water stakeholdersand educators to share insights, ideas and inspiration for protecting and restoring the state's treasured and irreplaceable water resources.
- Wisconsin water monitoring through DNR - includes data on lakes, streams, wetlands, and beaches, including historic data for analysis.
- Citizen Lake Monitoring Network - The Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) supports volunteers who collect a range of data on over 900 lakes. Staff provide volunteers (such as your class of students) with the necessary equipment and training to conduct these monitoring activities.
- Wisconsin well testing through DNR
- High capacity well information from DNR
- Clean Boats, Clean Waters In this program, "inspectors" are trained to organize and conduct a boater education program in their community, where adults and youth teams educate boaters on how and where invasive species are most likely to hitch a ride.
- Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) - details on Wisconsin's aquifers, springs, teacher lessons, and groundwater maps
- NEXT.cc - series of STEM-related "journeys" with ideas for activities and lists of related resources for background learning - water topics include acid rain, Great Lakes, hydropower, water convservation, and water quality.
- USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center in Middleton
- Reflo Sustainable Water Solutions - has an amazing Milwaukee Community Map with water, environmental, and other data
- Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District
- Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
- The Water Council – Milwaukee water business collaborative
- UW-Milwaukee Freshwater Sciences Center
- Wisconsin Sea Grant – Science for the Great Lakes, with their Coastal Resource Guide
- American Geosciences Institute – map of water use in Wisconsin
- Rock River Coalition
- STEM Hero - a curriculum where students measure their own water conservation at home
Grants that could be used for water projects
- Grants from Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers - several grants available up to $1000 for materials and professional development
- DNR Surface Water Grants - grants for education and training related to local surface water bodies (e.g., lakes and rivers) up to $5,000, which can cover up to 67% of total project costs.
- DPI OER Innovation Grants - grants of up to $10,000 for districts or district consortiums to create open-access materials to be housed in WISELearn
- Donors Choose - the Herb Kohl Foundation has paid for all Wisconsin teacher projects here a couple times, so it's worth having something up
Wisconsin Standards for Science can be connected to water related student projects at every grade level. This table provides a list of ideas, including many lessons curated by NSTA (note: links go to an evaluation of the lesson, while actual links to the lessons are found in upper right corner through "view this resource" button)
Grade Level Idea(s) with WATER - all of these would be incorporated into a phenomenon-based unit |
Related Science Standard(s) |