National Study Shows Service-Learning Promotes Healthy Youth-Adult Transitions
Shelley H. Billig's Using Evidence to Make the Case for Service-Learning as an Academic Achievement Intervention in K-12 Schools
National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC)
Growing to Greatness: The State of Service Learning Project is the first comprehensive, national study of the state of service-learning in kindergarten through 12th grade. It documents the unfolding story of service-learning, providing useful information to improve implementation, inform public policy, and give a clear picture of the many ways young people contribute to society.
What role does service-learning play in improving education?
Closing the achievement gap--relates to service-learning research
Research Matters
A collection of service-learning research papers and articles.
Furco, A. and Billig, S.H., Eds., Service-Learning: The Essence of the Pedagogy. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2002.
Furco, A. Service-learning in teacher education: An overview of the research. (with Susan Root). In Anderson, J. and Swick, K. Eds., Strengthening Service and Learning in Teacher Education. Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education, 2001.
Furco, A. Service-learning as education reform. In Gulati-Partee, G. & Finger, W., Eds., Critical Issues in K-12 Service-Learning. Raleigh: National Society for Experiential Education, 137-143, 1996. Furco, A. Service-learning: a balanced approach to experiential education. Expanding Boundaries: Serving and Learning. Washington, DC: Corporation for National Service, 2-6, 1996.