WIS152 DAIRY SCIENCE 02/23/1990 04:00 PM D1 570 Lines Agriculture Science/Production Management Dairy Science (15-90 days) This unit deals with the dairy science industry. Topics include career opportunities, dairy cattle selection and genetics, feeding and breeding; marketing of dairy products, and dairy management practices. Objectives To acquaint students with employment information and career opportunities in the dairy science industry To develop student appreciation of the variety and nutritional value of dairy products To give students opportunities to examine ways to effectively promote dairy products To provide students with guidelines for choosing an appropriate breed of dairy cattle for a given farm operation To develop student understanding of approved calf management practices for a dairy herd To increase student understanding of effective reproductive management practices for a dairy herd To provide students with a basis for making effective management decisions based on genetics concerning cattle selection, culling, and sire selection To develop student understanding of reproduction and digestion in dairy cattle To inform students of how to prevent, diagnose, and treat herd health problems To provide students with information on how to design feed rations and feed the entire dairy herd according to their maintenance and production needs To develop student understanding of the equipment, housing, land, and labor investment required for a dairy enterprise To enhance student understanding of how to produce high-quality milk efficiently and consistently To acquaint students with techniques used to process raw milk into dairy products To introduce students to methods of marketing milk and milk products To introduce students to the latest technology for dairy enterprise operations and management To enhance student ability to locate information about youth organizations, breed associations, media outlets, and higher education that will assist them in pursuing a dairy industry career Competencies At the conclusion of this unit, students will be able to explain current employment information such as job descriptions, job availability, personal and educational requirements, working conditions, opportunity for advancement, and other factors relative to employment in the dairy industryand relate it to their personal needs and aspirations; appreciate the variety and nutritional value of dairy products and effectively promote them; distinguish between various dairy breeds and identify their genetic origin, characteristics, and locations of breed headquarters; recall the parts of the official dairy scorecard and evaluate cattle accordingly; design a calf-raising system, including feeding schedules, environmental control, and manure management; design a herd reproductive management program for a dairy herd, complete with a heat-detection procedure, records, and breeding schedule; identify parts and describe the function of the male and female reproductive tracts in dairy cattle; demonstrate an understanding of reproduction in dairy cattle; demonstrate an understanding of the digestion process in ruminants; prevent, diagnose, and treat herd health problems; design feed rations and feed for an entire dairy herd according to maintenance and production needs; list the equipment, housing, land, and labor investment required for a dairy enterprise; distinguish between milk grades, marketing orders, and price blends; explain how raw milk is processed into dairy products; design a recordkeeping system for production, identification, breeding, accounting, and management for a dairy enterprise; evaluate and incorporate new technology and techniques into dairy enterprise operation and management; and identify the youth organizations, dairy breed associations, media, and institutions that offer additional education and learning activities related to the dairy industry. Subject Matter (Basic skills integration areas are shown in brackets following title.) Careers - Current and future employment needs - Job descriptions - Training requirements - Working conditions - Opportunities for advancement - Other factors Importance of milk and dairy products [Careers, Science] - Milk components - Milk and dairy product consumption and trends - Promotion of dairy products Local State National programs Ideal dairy enterprise - Students compare a local farm or one they are familiar with to their perception of an "ideal" operation - Discuss experiences with success and failure on the dairy farm - Reasons for adopting a particular type of dairy farm management - Explain correct or approved practices briefly and how they can be implemented - Discuss efficiency, productivity, and profitability - Essentials of a profitable dairy operation Breads of dairy cattle - Origin and history - Breed characteristics, production, and organization headquarters Ayrshire Brown Swiss Guernsey Holstein Milking Shorthorn Jersey Dairy cattle evaluation - Parts of the dairy cow and functional evaluation of each part - Breed associations identifying qualifications and disqualifications in registering purebred cattle - Parts on the dairy cow official scorecard - Identifying dairy terms for general appearance, dairy character, body capacity, and mammary system - Correlation between type and production - Methods of evaluating type Breed classification programs Competing in the show ring Learning type appraisal - Dairy evaluation contest - Linear classification Selecting dairy cattle - Selection of foundation stock - Sire evaluation and selection Natural mating Artificial insemination studs Reading proofs - Natural versus artificial insemination Breeding heifers and dairy cows - Optimum age, weight to breed, and feeding schedules to reach correct levels - Detecting heat - Natural versus artificial insemination - Gestation period and determining calving date Reproduction in dairy cattle [Science] - Reproductive physiology of the female Anatomy of the reproductive tract The estrus cycle - Reproductive physiology of the male Anatomy of the reproductive tract Semen production - Abnormalities that cause decreased fertility or sterility Structural defects Physiological abnormalities - Diseases that affect reproduction Brucellosis Vibriosis Trichomoniasis Leptospirosis Nonspecific infections - Nutrition and reproduction - Inheritance - Managing dairy cattle for high fertility - Management of reproduction in the male Affect of feed on reproductive performance Rate of usage Housing for bulls - Summary of procedures for improving breeding efficiency and setting reproductive performance goals Artificial insemination and sire selection [Science] - History of artificial insemination - Collecting and processing semen Frequency of collection Evaluation of semen Semen diluters - Frozen semen - Inseminating the cow - Artificial insemination organizations - Artificial insemination records - Inbreeding and outbreeding - Advantages of artificial insemination - Principles of selection Raising dairy herd replacements [Science] - Care of dairy cow or heifer Feeding Calving conditions - Care of the cow and calf at calving Calving assistance, abnormal calving positions Cow care after calving, milking, diseases Feeding the calf 1.colostrum's contents and benefits 2.milk replacers contents quality and price considerations 3.calf starters and feeding schedules up to breeding age for heifers - Calf health Vaccination program for infectious bovine rhino traecheitis, para influenza, bovine virus diarrhea, leptisporosis, and brucellosis Diseases pneumonia calf scours parasites - Calf management practices Housing types and needs of calves and heifers Dehorning 1.types 2.equipment 3.advantages and disadvantages of each type Castration Test inspection Trimming hooves 1.methods 2.equipment 3.advantages and disadvantages of each method Feeding dairy cattle [Science] - Nutritive content of common dairy cattle feeds - Digestive system of dairy cattle - Nutritive requirements - Dairy rations for different breeds and age groups - The use of forage, silage, and pasture - The use of protein supplements - Formulating and balancing rations (Pearson Square) using a computer program Milking systems and equipment - Section Types of milking machines Types of milking systems - Equipment common to all milking systems Function, management, and maintenance of the following: 1.milkline 2.vacuum lines and pump 3.claw 4.inflations 5.bulk tanks 6.water source Cleaning of equipment Milk secretion - Udder components - Structure of udder - Milk secretion and how milk is produced - Proper milking procedure Washing 1.towel use 2.iodine or udder wash uses Benefits of stripcups Attaching machine Machine stripping Teat treatment - Milk "letdown" mechanism Procedure Hormones Rapid versus slow letdown Producing high-quality milk - Conditions under which milk is to be produced - Milk grades, type, pay prices, and product use - Clipping cows Production Records [Mathematics] - Types of milk tests Babcock, Schain, Dairy Product Section Butterfat, protein, California mastitis test Cryoscope, somatic cell count, bacteria, solids not fat - Use of dairy management records Dairy Herd Improvement Association 1.organizations 2.benefits and purposes Other programs available 1.herd management options (HMO) 2.somatic cell count (SCC) 3.herd health and all other current reports Diseases and parasites of dairy cattle [Science] - Diseases and ailments - Poisonous chemicals and plants - Disease prevention and treatment - External and internal parasites - Normal temperature and breathing rate of cattle - Equipment needed for treatment Dairy cattle housing - Housing requirement regulations - Selecting the type and size of dairy housing - Selecting the proper silo and arrangement of dairy buildings and equipment - Health and comfort of animals - Milking facilities - Milk house - Storage of feed and bedding Marketing dairy cattle, milk, and dairy products [Social Studies] - Marketing grade and purebred dairy cattle Replacement heifers Springing heifers Milking cows Cull cows - Federal orders - Classes of fluid milk - Blend price - Selecting a milk market Price Quality programs, services, and so on Processing milk [Mathematics] - Calibrate ingredients and make cheese - Calibrate ingredients and make butter - Calibrate ingredients and make ice cream - Calibrate ingredients and make yogurt Dairy enterprise management [Social Studies] - Records for all phases of enterprise - Methods for keeping current Publications and extension services Educational institutions Breed associations - Plan a dairy enterprise (See "Motivational Activities" section.) Motivational Activities Devise a complete plan for a dairy enterprise taking into account all topics discussed in class, such as location, breed of cows, size of herd, feeding program, management decisions, and manure handling. Field trips to local dairy enterprises with outstanding dairy herds, dairy shows, and agribusinesses associated with the dairy industry. Post bulletin board displays featuring topics related to this unit. Provide up-to-date instructional media on dairy production. View films, videotapes, and slides on unit-related topics. Learning Activities Participate in a Supervised Agricultural Experience program. Take part in dairy cattle evaluation activities Dehorn calves, treat animals for lice, clip cow's udder and flanks, and dip a calf's navel in iodine. Fit animals for dairy shows. Exhibit animals at dairy shows. Perform a methylene blue test, several mastitis tests, and several butterfat tests. Balance rations using a computer. Keep dairy records on a computer. Make various dairy products, such as cheese, butter, yogurt, and ice cream. Instructional Materials Textbooks and Reference Approved Practices in Dairying by E.M. Juergenson and W.P. Mortenson. 4th ed. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1980. Available from National Farm Book Company. Cattle Feeding by John Owen. Alexandria Bay, NY: Diamond Enterprises, 1983. Dairy Cattle Science by M.E. Ensminger. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1980. Available from National Farm Book Company. Dairy Farm Management by Thomas Quinn. Albany, NY: Delmar, 1980. Dairy Production by Clarence E. Bundy and Ronald V. Diggins. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1984. Feeds and Feeding by Frank B. Morrison. Abridged. Clinton, IA: Morrison Publishing, 1959. Livestock and Poultry Production by Clarence E. Bundy and Ronald V. Diggins. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1982. Modern Dairy Products by L.M. Lampert. 3rd ed. New York: Chemical Publishing, 1975. Available from National Farm Book Company. The Principle of Dairy Farming by Kenneth Russell. 10th ed. Alexandria Bay, NY: Diamond Enterprises, 1985. Principles of Dairy Science by Glen H. Schmidt and L.D. Van Vleck. San Francisco, CA: W.H. Freeman, 1974. A Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers by Roger Blowey. Alexandria Bay, NY: Diamond Enterprises, 1985. Bulletins and Pamphlets The following are available from the Cooperative Extension Service. Calf Management and Facilities on Selected Wisconsin Dairy Farms. MA3141. Calf Scours - How to Diagnose, Treat and Prevent. A0442. Design Considerations: Least Cost Dairy Ration Computer Program. R3140. Supplement. R3140-1. Managing the Financial Future of Your Dairy Farm. (Set 1-7). NCR225. Raising Dairy Replacements. A1485. The Story of Artificial Insemination Research. R3266. The following are available from Hoard's Dairyman magazine. Dairy Calf Management Dairy Cattle Fertility and Sterility The following is available from Ralston Purina Company. Animal Nutrition Handbook Periodicals Agri-View Brown Swiss Bulletin Cooperative Partners The Country Today Dairy: The Magazine for the Dairy Herd Improvement Association Dairy Herd Management Dairymen's Digest - North Central Region Edition Farm Journal Hoard's Dairyman Holstein World (formerly Holstein-Friesian World) Journal of the Milking Shorthorn and Illawarra Breeds (formerly Milking Shorthorn Journal) Successful Farming Wisconsin Agriculturalist Computer Software The following is available from Hobar Publications. Dairy Production and Related Review. Apple, IBM. The following are available from Mid States Agri-Technology Associates, Ltd. Dairy Ration Master Micro-Tutor: Dairy Production. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Feeds and Feeding. Apple, IBM. The following are available from Midwest Agribusiness Services, Inc. Agri-ID: The Dairy Cow. Apple. Agri-Quiz: Dairy I. Apple, IBM. Agri-Quiz: Dairy II. Apple, IBM. The following are available from Photocom. Ag Vocabulary - Dairy Cow Card Dairy Management The following is available from Sage Software. Dairy Ration Balancing. IBM. On-line Computer Networks The following are available from Ag Ed Network, AgriData Resources, Inc. Dairy Calf Health Program. HS703. Dairy Cow Health Program. HS702. Dairy Housing Costs. HS81. Dairy Housing Systems. HS80. Finding Dairy Markets. HS222. Finding Markets for Dairy Cattle. HS431. Livestock or Dairy Selection. HS128. Milking Systems and Equipment. HS85. Films, Videotapes, and Slides The following is available from Babson Brothers Dairy Research Service. Making Your Cows Worth More. (16mm film, color, 30 minutes.) 1977. The following is available from Ohio Agricultural Education Curriculum Materials Service. Pre-natal Development of the Calf. 418X (50-frame color filmstrip with script). Vocational Education Productions, n.d. The following are available from Photocom. Animal Acquisition and Reproduction. 30-678 (VHS videotape, 38 minutes). Clipping Dairy Cattle. 01-000-100C (VHS videotape, 17 minutes). Lactation. 30-679 (VHS videotape, 39 minutes). Waste Management, Buildings and Equipment. 30-682 (VHS videotape, 36 minutes). The following is available from the Media Resources Center. Rumen Story (16mm film, color, 25 minutes.) The following is available from Vocational Agriculture Services. The Cow's Udder and How It Functions. F208a (Filmstrip with cassette and study guide). The following is available from Vocational Education Productions. Guide to Linear. 1-411-200H (46-frame slideset with cassette). The following is available from Vocational Media Associates. Dairy Production. 30799-93 (Three parts; filmstrips or slides with cassettes, program guides, and reproducible masters).