WIS264 GREENHOUSE MANAGEMENT 02/26/1990 08:32 AM D1 495 Lines Agriculture Science/Production Management Greenhouse Management (45-90 days) This unit deals with various aspects of greenhouse management. Topics include marketing and production of indoor and outdoor foliage plants, bedding plants, plants for food, potted flowers, and cut flowers. Additional topics cover plant material identification, greenhouse structures and equipment, common propagation methods, plant cultural requirements, and greenhouse management career opportunities. Objectives To acquaint students with employment information and career opportunities in the greenhouse industry To develop student understanding of the different types and components of greenhouses and other plant growing structures To introduce students to guidelines for effective greenhouse management and maintenance To increase student understanding of the morphology of common greenhouse plants To provide students with instruction and practice in identifying common greenhouse plants To develop student understanding of the principles and methods used to cultivate and propagate greenhouse plants To acquaint students with the various business aspects of greenhouse management, including recordkeeping, inventory management, scheduling and cost control, marketing, and customer service To investigate the feasibility of raising fish in the greenhouse To acquaint students with the art of topiary Competencies At the conclusion of this unit, students will be able to explain current employment information such as job descriptions, job availability, personal and educational requirements, working conditions, opportunity for advancement, and other factors relative to potential employment in the greenhouse management industry and relate it to their personal needs and aspirations; describe and provide examples of the different types and components of greenhouses and other plant growing structures; outline guidelines for effective greenhouse management and maintenance; identify common greenhouse plants; explain and demonstrate the methods used to cultivate greenhouse plants and outline the principles on which those methods are based; explain the principles and methods of propagating greenhouse plants; describe the various business aspects of greenhouse management, including recordkeeping, inventory management, scheduling and cost control, marketing, and customer service; determine the feasibility of raising fish in the greenhouse; and design and construct a topiary project. Subject Matter (Basic skills integration areas are shown in brackets following title.) Careers - Current and future employment needs - Job descriptions - Training requirements - Working conditions - Opportunities for advancement - Other factors Greenhouse structures and equipment - Functions of structures - Types of greenhouses - Other growing structures - Greenhouse construction materials - Heating greenhouses - Watering devices and humidity control - Ventilation - Light control - Temperature control and alarm systems - Bench materials and design - Maintenance of greenhouse - Greenhouse sizes and costs - Determining greenhouse locations - Systems for hydroponics - Tanks for aquaculture Plant material identification [Science] - Purpose - Terminology - Binomial system - Scientific nomenclature - Characteristics - Identification methods Greenhouse plant cultural requirements [Science] - Growing media types - Growing media characteristics - Soil or media sterilization - Water application - Fertilization - Soil sampling and testing - Light requirements and reflectivity - Temperature requirements - Humidity control - Air movement - Pest control and use of chemicals Propagation of common greenhouse plants [Science] - Propagation procedures - Sexual reproduction and advantages - Asexual reproduction, methods, and advantages - Internal plant structures - Root development and root types - Bud types - Stem types - Taking and preparing cuttings - Rooting cuttings successfully - Methods of layering - Plant division - Grafting - Budding - Plant growth regulators Outdoor foliage plant production [Science] - Foliage plant types - Foliage plant transfer - Plant location - Growth control Indoor foliage plant production [Science] - Foliage plant production - Morphological growth and environmental comparison - Houseplant seed germination - Fern spore cultivation - Pinching and pruning houseplants - Repotting houseplants - Low maintenance watering for home use Houseplant arrangements [Science] - Totem pole plant growth - Terrariums and bottle gardens - Dish gardens - Hanging baskets - Potted plant arrangements - Topiary Cut-flower production [Science] - Cut-flower industry development - Cut-flower display - Soil, water, and fertility needs - Flower structure types Singles Anemones Pompons Decorative Incarved Reflexed Spider - Flower growth patterns Standard Disbud Disspray Spray - Calendar of production - Cut-flower types Chrysanthemums Carnations Roses Snapdragons Tulips Others - Cut-flower merchandising Potted flowers [Science] - Demand and sales - Azalea production - Begonia production - Geranium production - Poinsettia production - Easter lily production - Spring flowering bulb production Bedding plants [Science] - Development - Types - Season management - Seed sown - Plugs and mechanical propagation methods - Container design and selection Greenhouse vegetable production [Science] - Vegetable micropropagation - Greenhouse garden development - Hydroponic production - Specialty crop production - Commercial vegetable production Greenhouse fish production [Science] - Adaptable fish species - Environmental requirements - Infusion of fish feces into hydroponics system Greenhouse retail sales [Careers, Social Studies] - Product knowledge - Product competition - Product cost analysis and pricing - Displaying merchandise - Advertising - Plant sales and records - Developing retail markets Marketing [Mathematics] - Analyzing the market - Sales strategy - Retail chain store markets - Direct sales markets - Secondary distribution markets - Open house sales - Labeling and pricing - Financial and inventory records - Billing statements, invoices, and purchase orders Motivational Activities Set up commission plant sales with students. Set up plant displays for various seasons. Build a cold frame from student designs. Take field trips to local greenhouses and university greenhouses. Visit homes with notable flower gardens. Invite greenhouse personnel, floral designers, and retail floral shop personnel to give class presentations. Participate in the state horticulture contest. Learning Activities Take part in a Supervised Agricultural Experience program. Compile career information using help wanted ads, information on advanced training in horticulture, and interviews of greenhouse employees. Organize or take part in a local foliage and flower show. Display materials for and specifications of greenhouse construction. List catalogued or live greenhouse plant species by common name or scientific name. Make a list of plant parts of herbaceous and woody greenhouse plants. Display various soil and growing media to illustrate differences in texture, porosity, and water holding capacity. Describe how the factors affect greenhouse plant development. List insects, weeds, and diseases on greenhouse crops and various control measures for each, including cost comparisons with different control methods. Demonstrate proper methods of watering plants, including how application frequency affects plant growth. Collect organic and inorganic fertilizers and test how plants react to different fertilization rates. Demonstrate the effects of proper, excess, and deficient light, temperature, humidity, and air on plant growth. Prepare a table showing all plants that can be propagated asexually. Prepare a table showing methods of asexual propagation including stem, leaf and root cuttings, air layering grafting, and budding. Display various types of growth regulators and the effect of each on different plants at different concentrations. Display chemical growth regulators and run tests with some of them, such as comparing gibberillic acid treated seeds to a control. Demonstrate the effects of forcing bulbs and use of shading to force flowering in greenhouse plants. Chart production costs for a crop of bedding plants or for geraniums using different pot spacings. Construct production schedules for plants grown in the greenhouse. Plan out the production schedules with the marketing strategy of seasonal and holiday demands in mind. Relate and chart marketing strategy to local competition, quality of merchandise, and economic conditions. Design and make hanging baskets or decorative houseplant arrangements. Assist a local greenhouse with seasonal activities such as transplanting. Manage spring bedding plant sales or plant annual flowers in decorative beds around school. Research and report on the most efficient method of raising fish in a greenhouse. Display various methods of fertilizing plants gown hydroponically, including using waste water from fish tanks. Complete the FFA agriscience application form. Design and assemble a topiary display. Construct a topiary display for the school. Instructional Materials Textbooks and References The Ball Bedding Book: A Guide for Growing Bedding Plants by George J. Ball. West Chicago, IL: George J. Ball, 1977. The Ball Red Book by George J. Ball. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985. Commercial Flower Forcing: The Fundamentals and Their Practical Application to the Culture of Greenhouse Crops by Laurie Alexander et al. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979. The Complete Greenhouse Book: Building and Using Greenhouses from Coldframes to Solar Structures by Peter Clegg and Derry Watkins. Charlotte, VT: Garden Way Publishing, 1978. Crockett's Indoor Garden by James U. Crockett. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1978. Greenhouse Flowers and Bedding Plants for Agribusiness Studies by George S. Williams and Ronald L. Schumach. 2nd ed. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1983. Greenhouse Gardening. Menlo Park, CA: Sunset Books/Lane Publishing, 1976. Greenhouse Management for Flower and Plant Production by Kennard S. Nelson. 2nd ed. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1980. Greenhouse Operation and Management by Paul V. Nelson. 3rd ed. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing, 1985. Bulletins and Pamphlets The following are available from the Cooperative Extension Service. Care and Sharpening of Lawn and Garden Tools. A2683. Care of House Plants. NCR99. Container Gardening. A3382. Evaluating and Judging Flowers and Indoor Plants. A2935. Flowering Potted Plants. A1596. Garden Fertilization. A2304. Geranium (Pelargonium spp.) Disorder: Bacterial Stem Rot and Leaf Spot. A2559. Gladiolus (Gladiolus hortulanus) and Related Plants Disorder: Stromatinia Disease, Dry Rot, Neck Rot. A2759. How to Grow Tuberous-Rooted Begonias and Gloxinias. A1573. Major Problems of Poinsettia Culture. NCR173. Young Greenhouse, Bedding, Garden, and Landscape Plants Disorder: Damping Off. A2700. Periodicals Greenhouse Grower Grower Interior Landscape Industry Computer Software The following is available from Hobar Publications. Horticulture and Related Review. Apple, IBM, TRS, Macintosh. The following are available from Mid States Agri-Technology Associates, Ltd. Micro-Tutor: Annuals I. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Annuals II. Apple, IBM. The following is available from Vocational Education Productions. Ortho's Computerized Gardening. Apple, IBM. Laboratory Resources The following is available from Animal Creations, Living Plant Sculpture and Topiary Craft Sculpture. Topiary Kits The following is available from the Pennsylvania Instructional Materials Services. Greenhouse Crop Production. 1971. The following are available from the Ohio Agricultural Education Curriculum Materials Service. Bedding Plant Production. 2208L (Task sheets). 1981. The Greenhouse Worker - Student Manual. 9502M. 1981. Films, Videotapes, and Slides The following are available from Nasco. Greenhouse Maintenance. C11989N (Color filmstrip with cassette and script). Plant Identification: Annuals, Perennials, Houseplants. C10435N (78-frame color filmstrip with cassette and script.) Propagating Ornamental plants. C10429N (Color filmstrip with cassette and script). The following are available from the Ohio Agricultural Education Curriculum Materials Service. Foliage Plants. 2009S (172 color slides with script). 1983. Greenhouses and Related Structures. 2001S (66 color slides with script). 1982. How to Grow Plants in a Greenhouse. 251X (VHS videotape, color, 47 minutes). Kartes Video Communications. The following are available from Teaching Aids, Inc. Annuals/Hanging Baskets. R-VT1028 (VHS videotape, color, 38 minutes). Indoor Plants. R-VT1081 (VHS videotape, color). The following are available from Vocational Agriculture Services. Greenhouses - Uses and Design. F680 (44-frame filmstrip). Planting and Care of Hanging Baskets. F613 (66-frame filmstrip). Propagation of Evergreens. F685-1 (53-frame filmstrip). The following is available from Vocational Education Productions. The Horticulture Enterprise Series. 1-204-230H (Four color filmstrips with cassettes and scripts). Equipment and Facilities Plant growth structures Low-volume sprayer or fogger Greenhouses Supplemental lights Plant growth chamber Plastic pots (various sizes) Portable water tube greenhouse Hanging baskets Plant grow lights Other plant containers Heating units Terrariums Watering equipment Dish gardens Automatic system Decorative containers and materials Manual system Germination flats Benches Floral refrigerator Potting benches Cold frame Propagating benches Trimming and pruning shears Plant benches Hand shovels Ventilation systems Grafting knives Shade control materials Heat-control devices Soil storage containers Shovel Soil sterilizer