WIS357 ORNAMENTAL NURSERY MANAGEMENT 02/26/1990 08:53 AM D1 291 Lines Agriculture Science/Production Management Ornamental Nursery Management (45-60 days) This unit deals with ornamental nursery management. Topics include career opportunities, business management, propagation, container growing, field growing, and pruning. Objectives To acquaint students with employment information and career opportunities in the ornamental nursery industry To provide students with a basic understanding about business management of the nursery industry To familiarize students with important plant growth factors associated in a nursery To acquaint students with methods to propagate plants in the nursery To provide students with information on types of vegetative propagation To inform students of basic techniques in growing woody ornamental plants To create student awareness of the benefits and techniques of pruning ornamental plants To acquaint students with the art of topiary Competencies At the conclusion of this unit, students will be able to explain current employment information such as job descriptions, job availability, personal and educational requirements, working conditions, opportunity for advancement, and other factors relative to potential employment in the ornamental nursery industry and relate it to their personal needs and aspirations; demonstrate knowledge of the business management of a nursery; differentiate between indirect and direct seeding methods; prepare a media for seeds, sow and germinate seeds, and grow seedlings; transplant seedlings into pots or flats; demonstrate softwood, semihard wood, and hard wood cuttings; demonstrate leaf and mallet cuttings; demonstrate knowledge of the budding process; demonstrate simple and air layering; grow liners from cuttings and transplant and maintain them in containers; demonstrate knowledge of balling and burlapping; describe and demonstrate types of pruning procedures noting time and techniques; and design and construct a topiary project. Subject Matter (Basic skills integration areas are shown in brackets following title.) Careers - Current and future employment needs - Job descriptions - Training requirements - Working conditions - Opportunities for advancement - Other factors Scope of nursery industry [Careers, Mathematics, Social Studies] - Services performed - Job-entry skills - Workers traits and titles Nursery industry management [Careers, Mathematics, Social Studies] - Labor availability - Equipment and supplies - Marketing Seed types [Science] - Monocot structure - Dicot structure Direct and indirect seeding [Science] - Germination media - Differences Seed media [Mathematics, Science] - Cornell mix - Growing media for ornamental plants - Germination - Records - Information from seed packets - Growth requirements - Watering, fertilizing, and maintaining seedlings - Fertilizing Transplanting [Science] - Procedures - Potting Semihard cuttings [Science] - Procedure - Vegetative propagation log Softwood cuttings [Science] Leaf cuttings and mallet cuttings [Science] Root cutting [Science] Hardwood cuttings [Science] - Keeping logs - Pests and disease problems Propagate by separation and division [Science] Grafting techniques [Science] - Procedures - Techniques in budding and grafting Budding process [Science] Layering [Science] - Simple - Air - Other methods - Procedures Growing container plants [Science, Social Studies] - Liners from cuttings - Transplanting - Maintaining in containers - Production of nursery stock Advantages of field-grown plants [Science] Balling and burlapping [Science] - Practice - Machine digging versus hand digging - Bare root Pruning [Science] - Types - Procedures - Hands-on experience - Pruning deciduous trees - Pruning landscape ornamentals Pruning angle [Science] Pruning timing [Mathematics, Science, Social Studies] - Flowering trees - Evergreens Pruning techniques [Science] - Spring flowering shrubs - Summer flowering shrubs - Broadleaf evergreens - Conifers Motivational Activities Take field trips to established nurseries. Invite resource speakers to give class presentations on new developments in the industry, such as plant patents, automation, new equipment, chemicals, tissue cultures, and computers. Learning Activities Participate in a Supervised Agricultural Experience program. Complete a job survey form. Prepare a chart listing parts and functions of plant seeds. Make a model of a seed. Transplant a seedling. Complete plant cuttings. Construct a topiary display for the school. Instructional Materials Textbooks and References Introductory Horticulture by H. Edward Reiley and Carroll L. Shry. 2nd ed. Albany, NY: Delmar, 1983. Nursery Crops and Landscape Designs for Agribusiness Studies by George S. Williams. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1984. The Nursery Worker. Columbus, OH: Ohio Agricultural Education Curriculum Materials Service, 1984. Ornamental Horticulture Source Units for Vocational Teachers by Paul E. Hemp. Danville, IL: Interstate, 1968. Bulletins and Pamphlets The following are available from the Cooperative Extension Service. Common Foliage Diseases of Shade Trees in Wisconsin. A2509. Deciduous Tree Disorder: Cankerworms. A3178. Deciduous Trees Disorder: Miscellaneous Causes of Decline. A2414. Evergreens - Planting and Care. A1730. Flowering Fruit Tree Disorder: Eastern Tent Caterpillar. A2933. Growing Ornamentals in Urban Gardens. AG188. Maple (Acer) and Other Trees and Shrubs Disorder: Verticillium Wilt. A2537. Pruning Standard Apple Trees. A1959. Periodicals American Nurseryman Nursery Manager Pacific Coast Nurseryman and Garden Supply Dealer Computer Software The following are available from Mid States Agri-Technology Associates, Inc. Micro-Tutor: Basic Horticulture I. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Basic Horticulture II. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Shrubs I. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Shrubs II. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Shrubs III. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Shrubs IV. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Trees I. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Trees II. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Trees III. Apple, IBM. Micro-Tutor: Deciduous Trees IV. Apple, IBM. Laboratory Resources The following is available from Animal Creations, Living Plant Sculpture and Topiary Craft Structure. Topiary Kits Films, Videotapes, and Slides The following are available from Nasco. Budding and Grafting. C10433N (61-frame color filmstrip with cassette and script). Careers in Ornamental Horticulture. C10267N (50-frame color filmstrip with cassette). Controlling Pests of Ornamental Plants. C10431N (Color filmstrip with cassette and script). Identification of Trees. C10177N (Three color filmstrips, 120 frames). Major Pruning Trees. C10569N (53-frame color filmstrip). Propagation of Deciduous Shrubs for Nursery Production. C10513N (39-frame color filmstrip). Propagation of Evergreens for Nursery Production. C10512N (58-frame color filmstrip). Pruning Orchard Trees. C10104N (41-frame color filmstrip). Trees of America. C10170N (83 color slides with script ). Equipment and Facilities