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Clarifications on the use of the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Federal Quota Fund

Thursday, May 23, 2024

There are major changes in the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Federal Quota Program which we learned about in December of 2023. The previous eligibility criteria for the APH Federal Quota Program had modifiers which were more limiting than the Federal definition of blind and visually impaired per IDEA. The new eligibility criteria have added the definition of IDEA. Nationally, Ex Officio Trustees (EOTs) are expecting to possibly triple or quadruple the number of students registered. Due to this significant increase in the registration, the amount per capita (currently $420) per registered student provided by Congress through the APH Federal Quota Program will also significantly decrease going into this next fiscal year.

The APH Federal Quota Fund is meant to supplement what agencies or Local Educational Agencies (LEA) can provide. It is still the LEA’s responsibility, under FAPE, to meet all the needs of students who are blind and have low vision. When a student is not found eligible for materials through the APH Federal Quota program, any disability related needs found within a student’s IEP must be met by the Local Education Agency (LEA). Please visit this link from our news page to read the entire message.