Funding Opportunities for Fall 2024
The Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Team provides for resourceful funding opportunities. Listed below are grants currently available. For specific information on grant timeline, eligibility, contacts, and other requirements, please visit each grant webpage below.
Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Grant
The Department of Public Instruction’s Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Team is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Grant Competition. With a focus on training Wisconsin students to recognize the signs of suicide shown by fellow students, peer-to-peer programs use messages of hope, health, and strength to develop peer leaders and resources for students who may be struggling. Any school at which pupils attend high school grades is eligible for this grant. Recipients of a grant under this program may use the grant funds to support an existing peer-to-peer suicide prevention program or implement a new peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. The amount of each individual grant award may not exceed $1,000.
The Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Grants are due to DPI electronically by 4:00 p.m. on October 2, 2024.
For more information, please visit the Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Grant website.
AODA Student Mini-Grant
The Department of Public Instruction’s Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Team is pleased to announce the 34th Annual Student Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Mini-Grant competition. Student mini-grants fund prevention and wellness projects targeting AODA and other youth risk behaviors (use of commercial tobacco and vaping, violence, bullying, suicide, alcohol traffic safety, and sexual risk behaviors) developed by students for students. Each funded project may be awarded up to $1,000.
AODA Mini-Grant applications are due to DPI electronically by 4:00 p.m. on October 2, 2024.
The application and additional information can be found on the Student AODA Mini-Grant Program website.
Aid for School Mental Health Programs
Eligible school districts, Private School Choice Program Schools, and independent charter schools may receive partial reimbursement for salary and fringe benefits paid to employ, hire, or retain social workers or the costs to contract for the services of a social worker when the eligible entity increased in its expenditures in the prior school year compared to the immediately preceding school year.
See the Aid for School Mental Health Programs webpage for more information.
For other grant opportunities from DPI, visit the Competitive Grant Inventory webpage