Anti-Human Trafficking Webinars for School Staff 2024-2025
The Department of Children and Families, in partnership with DPI, will again provide free learning opportunities in the 2024-2025 school year.
- It Happens Here Documentary Screening and Discussion
The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has created a documentary that tells the true stories of sex trafficking in Wisconsin and conveys how easy it is to be drawn into the life. This project is part of a statewide effort to inform youth and adults about the risk factors and warning signs of trafficking and what they can do to assist individuals who may be at risk of, or affected by, trafficking.
Intended Audience: School Staff, community partners, and parents/caregivers are welcome to join us for a free screening and discussion of the documentary!
Facilitators: Asia Jackson, DCF Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator, Julie Incitti, DPI School Social Work Consultant, and Jessica Goodman Schutz, MPS School Social Worker
- September 19, 2024 at 9 - 10 a.m.
- December 10, 2024 at 9 - 10 a.m.
Questions? Contact Julie Incitti,
- ‘It Happens Here’ Facilitation Guide & Lessons Training for School Staff and Other Professionals Supporting Anti-Trafficking
This session will provide school staff, such as pupil service staff, and professionals working in trafficking prevention and response, training on using the DPI Anti-Human Trafficking Video Facilitation Guide and accompanying videos with students. While not restricted to pupil service staff, staff should have some training and experience handling difficult topics, handling student disclosures, and the ability to assess risk and safety concerns. Participants will gain access to the video series, as well as the facilitator guide and related resources. Participants will be able to lead lessons for students grades 7-12 to help them understand what human trafficking is, some of the dynamics involved, and to recognize warning signs and unsafe situations, how to get help, and where to find additional resources. School staff and professionals in the community are encouraged to attend training together to collaborate on lesson delivery for students.
- September 24, 2024 at 9 - 11:30 a.m.
Date! Now February 18, 2025 at 9 - 11:30 a.m. Training Registration
Questions? Contact Julie Incitti,
It is important for all school staff to increase their knowledge about human trafficking, to learn to spot the signs of trafficking, and to take action in supporting students.
Human trafficking is the misuse of other people. This often happens for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. Human trafficking occurs throughout Wisconsin, including rural, urban, and suburban areas.
Human traffickers often recruit vulnerable youth with force or deception. They may exploit youth through fraud, abuse of power, control, violence, or physical abduction. They may also threaten the youth or their family. Economic pressure can make a person more vulnerable to being trafficked.Trafficking can happen to anyone of all sexes, genders, races, and economic backgrounds; though some individuals are in a higher risk group. Many youth who are being trafficked do not see themselves as victims. They may not realize they are being trafficked.
Wisconsin school staff can help prevent and respond to trafficking by learning more about the topic, in addition to implementing such best practices as trauma sensitive schools, social and emotional learning, culturally responsive practices, resilience building, fostering relationships, and encouraging a welcoming inclusive environment for all students. The following are a few resources to help you get started.
Keep in mind that suspicions of child sex trafficking must be reported to CPS or law enforcement by mandated reporters, including all school staff. For additional information on reporting sex trafficking and using the Exploitation Indictor and Response Guide, please review the DPI Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Online Learning Modules found here
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 or text 233733 (BEFREE) to get help or connect with local services
- Building Understanding of Adults
Video and Online Learning Modules:
- Anti-Human Trafficking 101: Anti-Human Trafficking Intro for School Staff, Julie Incitti, WI DPI School Social Work Consultant, Asia Jackson, DCF Anti-human Trafficking Coordinator, and Corrie Warning, School Social Worker in MPS
Anti-human Trafficking Basics for School Staff Recorded Interview Video Link
Anti-human Trafficking Basics for School Staff Recorded Interview Handout
- It Happens Here Documentary for Community Education and additional resources for Professionals – WI DCF- A documentary that tells the true stories of sex trafficking in Wisconsin. The content of this video may evoke strong emotions and is intended to be used in a professional or educational setting with proper curriculum and support. To assist in this, the department has developed a Facilitator Guide and other resources.
- Recorded Webinar: Finding Your Strengths! A new approach for engagement of high risk and trafficked youth (2/23/23) - This presentation focuses on a set of two strengths-based tools, created in Wisconsin, to enhance youth service providers’ response to high risk and trafficked youth and give both providers and young people ways to explore and articulate the strength and resiliency factors they possess to achieve their goals. The tools were in development from 2020-2021 and incorporate evidence informed concepts and ideas from research literature and existing qualitative reports, listening sessions with youth serving professionals and stakeholders across the state, and youth/young adult discussion groups. We recommend the tools as suitable for use with any young person approximately 11-18. The tools are intentionally inclusive of urban, suburban, and rural experiences, BIPOC experiences, LGBTQI experiences, male, female, and non-binary experiences. Tools found on the DCF website in the AHT Toolkit.
- Recorded Webinar: Practical Harm Reduction Ideas for Youth (3/1/23) - A harm reduction approach helps young people in practical, immediate ways. This presentation will provide options for school staff to share with young people to reduce harm in their lives when they have basic needs going unmet, housing instability, and unhealthy relationships. Staff will also learn how to access community-based resources and more options to expand young people's support networks. Tools found on the DCF website in the AHT Toolkit.
- Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools – Staff Development Series (Online Learning) – National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
- Human Trafficking: Online Safety Recorded Webinar and Related Resources (June 2020) - National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
- SOAR Human Trafficking Online Learning Module for School-Based Professionals - US Department of Health and Human Services
- Innocence Sold: Three short films about sex trafficking VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. Content is not suitable for all ages, recommended 12+ years. This video is intended for training purposes. It features subject matter and content that brings awareness to the reality of human sex-trafficking.
Fact Sheets, Guides, Written Resources:
- WI Department of Children and Families, WI We Need to Talk Campaign
WI, We Need to Talk is about raising awareness that youth in Wisconsin are being sex trafficked or may be at risk of being sex trafficked. Talking about human trafficking is hard. It’s OK to talk about it. In fact, we encourage it.
All youth are at risk, although some youth are more at risk. Trafficking occurs in cities, suburbs, and rural areas. It is a statewide issue. Youth can be recruited online and in public spaces. Learn more about what Wisconsin is doing to stop child sex trafficking and access downloadable posters at this site.
- Human Trafficking 101 for School Administrators and Staff - U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Education
- Human Trafficking of Children in the United States: A Fact Sheet for Schools - U.S. Department of Education
- Sex Trafficking of Minors: What Schools Need to Know to Recognize and Respond to the Trafficking of Students - National Center for Homeless
- Education Human Trafficking in America’s Schools Downloadable Guide (2021) National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
- Human Trafficking Resources - WI Department of Justice Red Flags of Sex Trafficking - National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- Human Trafficking Tip Sheet - Department of Health and Human Services
- Myths and Facts about Human Trafficking - Polaris Project
- On-Ramps, Intersections, and Exit Routes: A Roadmap for Systems and Industries to Prevent and Disrupt Human Trafficking - Polaris Project
- Child Marriage in the United States: A Serious Problem With a Simple First-Step Solution - Tahirih Justice Center
- Child Sex Trafficking: Experiences of Youth Who Have Been Trafficked Fact Sheet – The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Child Sex Trafficking: What You Might Not Know - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Child Sex Trafficking: Who is Vulnerable to Being Trafficked? - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Educating Youth
- DPI/DCF Youth Lessons (Grades 7-12)- Building Knowledge and Skills to Raise Awareness and Respond to Human Sex Trafficking
Guide for Facilitation of Youth Lessons - DPI and DCF have collaborated to create a guide for facilitating lessons to youth geared towards grades 7-12. The lessons included in this unit provide an adult facilitator information and lesson plans to accompany a short documentary video series and instruct students in the topic of human trafficking with a focus on sex trafficking. Included are short videos with individuals in Wisconsin who have shared their true stories for the purpose of education and prevention. This guide provides information to help you successfully deliver this unit of instruction.
Free Training - Free Training - To access the guide and facilitator materials, school staff and community partners participate in a free training offered by DCF and DPI. Training dates appear at the top of the webpage when available. The training is geared towards pupil service staff, community providers of sexual assault prevention and response, and other school staff who have some training and experience handling difficult topics, handling student disclosures, and the ability to assess risk and safety concerns. School staff and professionals in the community are encouraged to attend training together to collaborate on lesson delivery for students. Participants will be able to lead lessons for students grades 7-12 to help them understand what human trafficking is, some of the dynamics involved, and to recognize warning signs and unsafe situations, how to get help, and where to find additional resources. If you are unable to attend a training, yet would like access to the lessons, please contact
- Some, but not all, available curriculum options (resources are not endorsed by DPI and are provided as examples for consideration):
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center including student toolkit
- DPI/DCF Youth Lessons (Grades 7-12)- Building Knowledge and Skills to Raise Awareness and Respond to Human Sex Trafficking
- Support Youth
- DOJ Resource List - Resources for services arranged by Wisconsin regions for supporting youth who have been trafficked – WI DOJ
- Responding to Disclosures of Trafficking Tip Sheet - Love 146
- Engagement Tools and Response Resources for High Risk and Trafficked Youth - WI DCF
The following tools were created in partnership between the WI AHT Region 3 Hub and Rethink Resources and should be consulted by professionals looking to enhance their practice with high risk and trafficked youth.
Building a Strong Team Response to High Risk and Trafficked Youth - should be consulted by youth service providers and teams of professionals working with youth exhibiting risk factors and indicators of sex trafficking.
Finding Your Strengths! - is intended to support youth in identifying strength and resiliency factors.
- Human Trafficking Webinar Series: Effective Engagement of Individuals with Lived Experience Recorded Webinar – National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
- Addressing the Growing Problem of Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors through PBIS – Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Mandated Reporting of Sex Trafficking
- Reporting Child Sex Trafficking Using the Indicator and Response Guide Online Module - This module is to assist school employees in understanding their obligations as mandated reporters to report child sex trafficking. The module focuses on how to utilize the Wisconsin Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation Indicator and Response Guide and is not meant to be a comprehensive training on understanding and responding to child sex trafficking. Additional training for staff is essential.
- Indicator and Response Guide to Making a Report of Suspected Sex Trafficking
- Guía de Respuestas e Indicadores de Trata y Explotación Sexual de Wisconsin - Indicator and Response Guide to Making a Report of Suspected Sex Trafficking (Spanish Version)
- DPI Online Learning Modules - Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect for all staff and supplemental materials