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National Resources


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This section includes a variety of resources created by national organizations and institutions with the goal of providing background information and resources on disciplinary literacy practices.

The Hunt Institute  

The Hunt Institute is a strategic catalyst for transforming public education. The institute provides resources to facilitate critical dialogue in education.  This video covers the topic of  literacy in other disciplines.


Please click here for The Hunt Institute videos on standards and instruction

Additional Resources

Center on Instruction

Center on Instruction LogoThis website offers a collection of research-based resources on instruction. The resources target “students in the lowest performing schools, students with difficulties learning mathematics, students needing intensive instruction, or special needs/diverse learners, including English language learners.”

Reading in the Disciplines

Reading in the Disciplines "Reading in the Disciplines" is a 2010 Northwestern University report sharing about reading in the content areas.

Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas

Literacy Instruction in the Content AreasThis report is from Alliance for Secondary Education, a 2007 publication focused on secondary content areas and literacy.


Teaching Disciplinary Literacy to Adolescents:  Rethinking Content-Area Literacy

Rethinking Content-Area Literacy ThumbnailIn this University of Illinois- Chicago journal article, Shanahan and Shanahan provide the foundational piece of work for Wisconsin's concept of literacy in the content areas