Literacy in All Subjects Module

The purpose for this Professional Learning on Demand module is to develop an understanding of disciplinary literacy and to provide a meaningful examination of the relevant research, standards, instructional strategies, and assessment ideas related to literacy practices in content area classrooms.
These resources can be downloaded, customized, and used to facilitate professional learning of educators that is focused on the Wisconsin Standards for Literacy in All Subjects. Access the Wisconsin Standards for Literacy in All Subjects.
- Make a copy of the presentation. If you are interested in using another format (Google Slides, PowerPoint, or PDF) to facilitate and familiarize yourself with the content, please use the "download as" feature (located in the "file" menu).
Wisconsin's Literacy (un)Conference 2015: Literacy Related SLOs

Wisconsin's Literacy (un)Conference is an online professional learning opportunity to develop instructional leadership in literacy. Literacy-related SLOs provide a unique opportunity to improve academic achievement for students, strengthen professional practice, and collaborate with colleagues.
Wisconsin’s Literacy (un)conference 2015 is comprised of short “sessions” in the form of original, pre-recorded, stories, no more than 5 minutes in length, where Wisconsin educators and administrators reflect on literacy-related SLOs and the SLO process.
Disciplinary Literacy LiveBinder

This module was designed for educator leaders to support the understanding of disciplinary literacy and the implementation of the Wisconsin Standards for Literacy in All Subjects. You are encouraged to customize this module to meet the needs of your audience. No portions of this module may be altered, but may be reproduced or disseminated for non-profit, educational purposes without prior permission.